This made my day 2 AM. I literally burst out laughing when you revealed she was, for lack of a better term, ugly.
Unlike this write-up, which is so intimate, and secretive, and thrilling at once. This sounds like the beginning of a novel, though what kind, I think only you can know. Anyway, it's more exciting than anything I've read in God knows how many weeks (months, even?).
I’m not looking to have an affair. Or even a conversation. How would I fit any of that into my schedule, anyway?
Maybe she's not supposed to be either. Maybe you're just looking for... inspiration? A touch of playfulness? This story definitely had that.
May all writers be blessed with such a generous reader! @honeydue, your encouragement means the world to me!
(Also: 2 AM!? Oh, you young people and your vampiric schedules!)
<3 Well, it's rare to find someone with your skill for words, my friend.
Someone's gotta stay up, and put the rest of the world to sleep, eh?