Five little story, although very short, but it can understand life...

in #story7 years ago

Article 1: help themselves
Someone in the shelter under the eaves, see beauty is an umbrella walked.The man said, "beauty guanyin bodhisattva, purdue beings, bring me a????????? How"
The beauty say: "I in the rain, and you in the eaves, under no rain, you don't need my degree."This person immediately jump out of the eaves, standing in the rain: "now I'm in the rain, the degree of me?"Buddha said: "you in the rain, I also in the rain, I was caught in the rain, because there is an umbrella;You are the rain, because there was no umbrella.So is not my own, but my umbrella.If you want to, don't look for me, please ask for an umbrella!"Then he went away.
The next day, the man met a difficult, went to guanyin temple.Into the temple, only to find that the goddess of mercy as before also has a person in worship, that person grow and view sound the same, no difference.
The man asked, "are you a goddess of mercy?"
The man replied, "I was the goddess of mercy."
The man asked again: "that why do you still worship yourself?"
Goddess of mercy laughed: "I also encountered a difficult, but I know that help themselves."
Shelter from wind and rain life, stray, where and when to cross, to be truly free, only on your own.
Article 2: tolerance
A pig, a sheep and a cow dairy, locked up in the same corral.On one occasion, shepherd caught piglets, it loudly squealing, fiercely resist.Sheep and cows hate its howling, then said: "he often catch us, we're not yelling."The pig listened to answer a way: "catch you and catch me completely are two different things, he catch you, just want to your hair and milk, but catch me, is to my life!"
To different position and environment, it is difficult to understand the feelings of others;So for other people's disappointment, frustration, pain, unfavorable to gloat, but should be caring, understanding.To have a tolerance heart!
Article 3: the shark and the fish
It has been done the experiment, a the most ferocious shark will and a group of tropical fish in the same pool, then separated by glass.Sharks every day in the initial collision that can't see the panes of glass, but this is largely in vain, it still can not go to the opposite.And experimenters have put some carp in the pond every day, so didn't lack of prey, the shark is still want to go to opposite to it, want to try the taste of the beautiful, every day is still the constant collision that piece of glass.
It tried every corner, every time is out, but every time always get scarred, there are several times and rupture hemorrhage.For some days, when glass breaks, the researchers immediately with a thicker piece of glass.
Later, the sharks no longer crash that glass, for those who colorful tropical fish are no longer care about, as if they just movement of the mural on the wall.It began to wait for the crucian carp fixed will appear every day, and then used his quick instincts hunting, like back in the sea of vicious domineering, but it all just fake like just.
Experiment to the final stage, the staff will take glass, but sharks have no reaction, is still in a fixed coasts of the every day.It is not only blind to the tropical fish, even when those carp escaped to the other side, he immediately give up chasing, say what also don't want to the past.The experiment ended, laboratory personnel sneer at sea it is the most cowardly of fish.But lovelorn off all know why, it fear of pain.
A lot like the shark, after many setbacks, frustration and failure, is losing courage.Passion died, the dream is dead, and the rest of the only dark eyes and sad sigh, helpless, helpless and powerless.
Article 4: in the mountains of children
One child ran to the mountains, and in the valley cried: "hello..."The voice just fell, come the sounds from all directions" hello..."Echo.Dashan agreed.Child was surprised, and cried: "who are you?"Dashan also echo: "who are you?"Children shout: "why don't you tell me?"Dashan also said: "why don't you tell me?"
Children can't help angry, shouted: "I hate you."His where know this a shout impending, voice over the whole world is: "I hate you, I hate you..."
Children cried and ran home and told his mother, mother to the child said: "son, you go back to the mountains shout 'I love you, give it a try how will result, ok?"
The children ran to the mountains.Indeed as expected the children surrounded in the "I - love - you - I love - you..."In the echo.
Children laughed, and the mountains smiled.
The boy puzzled, confused shook his head.
Sometimes, we always complain about the other people's attitude is too cold, the mood is too bad, but don't know yourself is the best mirror each other side - if a similar case, might as well ask yourself what you - want to let others love you, you have to go to love others.
Article 5: bitten by god a bite of the apple
There was a man from blind and sensible, he deeply upset, that is god punish him, was all over in my life.
Then, a teacher said to him: "everyone in the world are bitten by god a bite of the apple, is defective, some defects is larger, because god loves his scent."
He was encouraged by the blind, from now on as god's special love, began to cheer up.After some years, told the local double a to Germany and Italy, the story of the blind massage teacher.
God knows it, say with smile: "I love this beautiful and wise metaphor, but to declare a bit: physical defects.Those who have the moral defects is rotten apples, not I bite, bug eat by moth.
This story tell people, your ugly is not punished because of your past lives have fault, on the contrary, you used to be a god's most beloved people, some defects is annoyed, don't cry because it is you today you may not be superior, maybe tomorrow, you are a beautiful rainbow!Say so, appearance is not beautiful and ugly, those are just people's personal point of view, and to determine your true beauty and ugly people, should be your own.As long as the confidence to oneself, and kind heart.You, there is no reason to not be the most beautiful, at least you found the most perfect myself...