mid night. Estimated at 3 o'clock. Everyone in the house of the beloved is still unconscious. Just woke up a pair of beloved lover eyes. The rubbish of everyone in the house has stopped before. But at the same time, opening the door, she saw the environment of the house once. Afterwards, she took out the bag hidden under the bed and opened the silence door and departed from the house. Then she went to the train from Chittagong to Dhaka.
The train is going on in the light of the sparkle. Priyanti got up in the middle of a robe and sat on the sheet. Suddenly the beloved ring of the beloved ring. The phone received the receipt. Someone from the side of the phone said,
Come out?
When did the train leave?
15 minutes ago. Are you still awake?
I went up to pray and then did not sleep.
Let's keep it now.
Okay. I'll miss it. And do not take the tension at all. I never want your loss.
The beloved cut the phone.
It's been in the morning. She did not sleep at night. Priyanti got her all right.
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