Once upon a time, there lived a king who had a beautiful daughter. In all the surrounding kingdoms, there was no lady who was as beautiful as this princess. She had a glowing skin, long hair that was always beautifully plaited, perfect teeth, alluring eyes long, beautiful legs and an incredible body shape. Everyone man in the kingdom wanted to marry her. Noblemen always showered her with gifts and even princes and kings wanted to marry her.
However, this beautiful princess brought her father to grief. She refused to marry any of the men who asked for her hand in marriage. When her father accosted her, she gave various reasons for her refusal to marry all her suitors. She claimed that some were too tall, others were too short, some were too fat, others were too lean. Some were too dark, others were too fair.
Her father, the king pestered her and even threatened to marry her off to the next man who came along. This scared her and she finally told her father that she was willing to get married but would only marry a man who could make her shed tears without beating her. This amazed the father but he gave orders that the news should be passed all through the kingdoms that his daughter would marry a man who could make her shed tears without beating her.
Several men came to the palace and took turns trying to make the princess cry. Some told very sad tales, hoping that she would get emotional and cry. On the other hand, other's told funny stories, with the aim of causing the princess to laugh so hard that she would shed tears. Others tried other methods but the princess did not shed any tears. After a while, the number of men who visited the princess reduced.
One day, a man came into the palace and demanded an audience with the princess. This man was a ugly hunch-backed dwarf. The guards tried to turn him away but the king came along at that moment and commanded that the dwarf should be allowed to see the princess, who must give the man an audience. The princess was furious at the sight of the dwarf but she was compelled to obey her father's order.
The princess sat beside the king, eyeing the dwarf maliciously. She was convinced that she would not cry. The dwarf came forward and and brought a basin, a knife and several onion bulbs from his bag. He started slicing the onions in front of the princess and in no time, she started to shed tears uncontrollably. She saw that she was shedding tears and tried to run into her chambers.
However, the king ordered the guards to seize her and announced that she was to get ugly to the dwarf. The princess begged her father not to marry her to the dwarf and promised to marry any other man he chose for her. However, being a man of his words, the king did not hearken to her pleas and she was eventually married to the dwarf.
So... learn to think ahead? don't over-estimate your abilities?
--- I mean, ok, so maybe the daughter just wasn't ready to get married and that is why she said no to all previous suitors. Once her father put his foot down and said the next one regardless is your new husband, she was able to quickly counter and negotiate by saying next one to make me cry, which the king accepted.
Did she just have the utmost confidence in her own willpower to not cry and therefore she thought she could just keep going until she choose one that she wanted? Or was her plan to just never cry and never get married?
If you ask me, I think that she was being proud. She probably thought that no man was man good for her.
Hmm, so the king was happy with his princess marrying an ugly dwarf? That's surprising, aunty's own was much sha.
I guess the king was one of those ones who kept their words. And like you said, Aunty's own was too much.
Nice work. Karryon
Thank you.
You and this your grand mother. I will like to meet her very soon.