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RE: A Day in the Life of the Torah: How Can Time Prove the Authenticity of Genesis by Charlie Shrem

in #story8 years ago (edited)

This is written in harsh (mussar?) language by people many many years ago, but it seems applicable here, and especially these days...

“Woe unto one who says that the Torah comes to tell literal tales… all the words of the Torah have the uppermost meaning… when it came down to this world, the world could not tolerate it if it had not clothed in these mundane clothes, which are the tales and words of the uneducated… Such is the Torah. It has a body, which is the Mitzvot of the Torah, which are called “the bodies of the Torah.” This body clothes in dresses... which is the story of the Torah. They do not know more and do not consider what exists underneath that clothing.” Zohar, BeHaalotcha [When You Mount] Paragraphs 58-62.

The uppermost context of the subsequent questions is of course; HaShem Echad, All is One... (Is Creation part of the Creator? Is the separation real at all? (Tzimtzum.) I thought "Ein Sof" meant "Endless Light," doesn't night and day mean it isn't endless? Does keeping the mitzvot help me transcend this physical reading of the Torah? Etc.