Brother! Just wow... I too am a Veteran from the U.S. ARMY that got deployed into Afghanistan. I'm originally from Cork, Ireland, but decided that bleeding Red,White and Blue was a better color for me. A-Ha. I enjoyed your story very much. I want to see your Part 2 pretty damn bad. You left me submerged in what it would have been like if I was Artillery. I was a CAV Scout, so i know the feeling of being fired at and covering from rounds. In fact brother, I too started writing my own book. A-Ha... It's soothing from the crazy PTSD moments I know you know of... Perhaps you too could follow me and check out another aspect of a Veteran, except with an Irish voice in your head. A-Ha. But Anywho, Thank You Brother and I will be reading your Part II.
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Hey thanks for your reply! I have the first part to this story here. This is part 2 of the story, and part 3 will be released tomorrow morning.
Good to see another Veteran on this platform!
Of Course Brother, And I'll follow you to see the new Parts.