Another interesting tale. Just like the woodcutter, As human flesh, there is a level we reach that we will no longer have strength to work or feed our love ones. The woodcutter had to find himself in this situation and he did the right thing calling his sons and giving them each something to hold onto in their search for bread. it is a bit sad that the youngest son did not get any pistole from his father but I love the fact that he respected his father's words and he was not jealous in anyway. I know for sure that the youngest son who is the man of all colours will be a great man even though all he got from his father was a patched garment.
I wonder how people were surviving in a land were there is no food or water. It was a good news that the man of all colours walked pass through the land and came out alive. I don't think I personally can survive without food and water for three days.
The cemetery looks neat and beautiful. Kati must have missed her father so much. I can relate to the feeling of loosing a love one and visiting their grave.
Bon appetit is all I can about this mini pizzas. Seriously, I feel like having a bite already😋