I can't believe these infertility issues were there at that time as well, now a days this is very common issue. I don't much about the reason for it too happen but i have seen many couples suffering for it.
A man or women would do anything to have a kid, they even Don't think what they are doing is good or wrong, having a kid is one of the most happiest feeling of our life. I can understand the way urge of these parents.
This what happening with princess and Alladin, at time of these tale there were very less people who know about it and know the cure of it, in this episode we came to know about the lady with the name Fatima who known to cure this issue, she was called and reached to the palace.
She met with the princess and talked to her about the issue and it seems that she is good lady as she refused all the gifts that princess offered her. I hope the treatment this lady is suggesting will be helpful and Alladin and princess will have kids.
It's not difficult for Alladin to provide the thing noble lady ask for.