It was obvious that the governor will do anything to stop the deeds of her daughters to go public, which is why he decided to reward this young man with his third daughter, her beauty of her is still unknown and the writer hasn't told much about her beauty like he/she told about others.
The young man's right hand was cut due to a necklace he found under his cushion, but I was still not able to get the info that what happened to his left hand, which needed treatment and now this jew doctor was here to treat him.
The Jew doctor was amazed to listen to the story of this young man. I am still curious to know why this young man needed a doctor and what has happened to him?
The new story of the barber and the lame young man is also interesting but came up with a lot of questions. why the lame young man was not willing to sit with the barber,
He was even about to leave the country/city due to this. this is really a strange thing. and why this lame young boy was running from ladies. May be something wrong had happen to him because of the ladies and now as he is getting young, he decided to not face women.