Preparations are tiring, but it's all so worth it. I have almost a year ahead of this, so I'm definitely just enjoying the ride :D
Communiation is key indeed, though with the sheer amount of creators, I do understand how it's hard for the censors to go about this sustainably.
We are in complete agreement, my bro! But otherwise, let me be perfectly clear. Censoring our creative imagining just purely not to offend certain groups based on their opinions and beliefs? Absolute BS. I'll will never, ever agree with that and staunchly oppose such nonsense...
Anyways, bro. I' m so glad everything is working out for you so nicely. One year is plenty of time to plan and formulate the "best day of your life"! My very best to you, man.
Oh yeah, no, that's the worst possible reason to censor. People need to get over themselves and realize that it's not directed as an offense to their belief, that is unless it is a direct assault--now that's a different topic entirely. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and if they want their opinion to be respected, then they better respect other's opinions as well, no matter how contrasting it is to theirs.