I'm remembering one winter in Indiana. I was working in a mall selling paintings to raise funds for my friend's girl's school.
Every day there were two men who came to the mall. They were both in wheel chairs and both were young men. They didn't come together but at separate times. I guess just to get out of the house. In Indian in the winter there is a lot of snow and it is very cold. So people go to the malls to walk around.
They both had become crippled in motorcycle accidents. One man was miserable angry, nasty, mean. And had the attitude that his life was ruined."Why did this have to happen to me?" He couldn't smile or be friendly. He saw other people walking freely and he could not. He hated everyone and everything. Bitter bitter bitter...
The other man was so sweet. He loved everyone. And people flocked to him to talk with him and laugh and exchange love. It was like night and day.
Beautiful writing...I'm pleased to read the story and also appreciate your awesome writing skill.
You shared your life story, experience. We learn something about life.
The sweet man loved everyone and everyone loves a sweet man.
Some people really so sweet, sweet man is real hero i think..
Life is all about perspective and how we view things. We should always remeber to be cheerful, grateful and appreciative of what ever we have instead of focusing on what we don't have. The scond guy obviously understands this. he undertstands that in life, even when nothing is going fine as expected, we should always hide our pain and not let people see them.
One is the substitute thing to other,,,Like as Pass or Fail,,
Dark and light,,if there have no another replacement thing,,The value of one thing will decrease,,,that's all are related on each other,,thanks for sharing,,@jiva34 @upvoted