I don't really like wearing jewelry. It's uncomfortable. So I wear a ring.
Every time I notice that ring, which is often, I check in with myself and have a look at what my internal dialog is. Then I steer that dialog. When I start getting used to the ring, I stop wearing it for a while.
That's a steady and slow method. Highly emotionally charged moments are much faster, which I learned when I was very young and in the Marines. The very same things that can turn a kid into a monster are the same tools that I can use now to achieve faster results...nothing imprints like physical and emotional exhaustion, and taking yourself all the way to your limits and beyond is a powerful way to make something feature more in every day experience. So I ride a mountain bike straight up a hill and when I feel like I'm dying, I breathe in and say, Love. And when I breathe out I say, Gratitude.
I like my job because I get to deal with people in a fun, sometimes very scary, highly emotionally charged experience. This is when I use my experience, and the fruits of my practice, to teach mindfulness, attention to detail, unity, etc. Just careful words, with an even more careful intent that springs from abundance rather than lack.
@tressareid, this article is on point...and the timing is wonderful!!! I appreciate the helping hand, and I hope there is something in what I wrote that speaks to somebody.
I can see that method being very effective. I think I may try something along these lines, (an excuse to buy myself a new beautiful ring maybe...lol)
It sounds as though you are giving it all you've got and I love that. You've been providing some major contribution to these topics and I appreciate that. Myself, and I'm sure other readers, will find great value in your input here. Thanks!
Light up! :)