The dining room was filled with dead silence.Dad sat at his place.I sat next to him as usual but then there was something strange about this night.Mum dished the garri and okra soup.Tears found their way into the soup from mum.
Are you okay mum?I queried.Table manners dad replied.I kept mute but my heart was troubled.I expected dad to talk but he was bland.Mum gave me that look of I am fine.Apparantly she was not.
Dad eat without cutlery for the first time.I got tensed.I made for my glass of water.Due to my worry and absent mindedness,I took that of dad.
He threw the water at me.Get lost,you nincompoop he yelled.I ran out immediately still confused.I heard a wild noise and turned.Dad had turned the glass table which went shattering on the hard tiles. I am sorry,mum said.I had never been this perplexed in my entire existence.Dad was the one at fault.Why should mum be pleading?
I was 10 and the only son.My younger sister died in a fatal accident a day after her 6th birthday.Our school bus ran into a ditch.I still recall how I kept shaking Chisom as though she was asleep.I recall vividly how a red car with a siren took her and two others away.
That was the last time I saw Chisom.Mum said she was fine and that we will see her in future. I believed her but if Chisom my sis was fine why was mum crying "why me oh God" when my class teacher brought me home after that incident?Mum always got me lost in the middle of no where.