10.10.17 At about 2.00pm
Today wasn't a sunny day as it used to be so I Sat alone at the top of our decked apartment pondering about my future.
Someday I would be an architect.. I thought within me as I stared at the busy road.
My mind could tell me at that moment that something was about to happen since it was not the first time I felt that way. There was this cold sensation that overwhelmed me and I became vigilant.
Evil thoughts started to cross my mind about types of tragic accidents and if one should just happen now... I immediately rebuked the thought since I was brought up in a Christian home and clearly understand that such thoughts are from the devil.
Amazed was I as I saw the longest most disastrous 10 minutes of tragedy surface almost immediately. It happened so fast but it looked as if in slow motion mode because I could see all happening and all I could do was place my hand on my head with my mouth widely open at such horrific view...
I know you would be saying within you..tell us what happened.. I'll do that in details now...
A pregnant woman was about to cross the road and she stopped in between the road, my guess is her water broke in between the road... Strange right? Yes that's what happened... And coincidentally, a trailer carrying fuel was coming in full speed at her direction. Since the woman stopped suddenly and the truck driver didn't want to hit her, he pressed break sharply which resulted in loud screeches..
I guess because of the closeness to the woman, it seemed like the break wasn't functioning so in an attempt not to hit the woman, he swerved and that was where the horror began.
If the truck driver had known, he would have just hit the pregnant woman alone and saved more lives but isn't that a stupid idea... No one would want to kill anyone with his vehicle and I guess that was the mentality the truck driver had.
As he swerved to avoid the woman, the truck capsized and immediately all the fuel in it spilled out and spread everywhere on the road and onto incoming vehicles.
The woman's fate was cut short because another car that was trying to avoid been hit by the truck also lost Balance and crushed the pregnant woman and she died immediately because I could see blood everywhere.
Vehicles that were coming at the back got caught in the tragic fate because traffic ensued and I started to see cars exploding and flying up one after the other. Humans that were on the road started to run for their lives but they were not fast enough.Everywhere the fuel spilled to engulfed with fire.
The loss of life that day should be appropriately 100 excluding vehicles that were burnt beyond recognition.
I was in shock that I forgot I was supposed to call emergency response. I snapped out when I heard cry of help of those who were still alive and that was when I made the call for help.
Note: This is fictional and it didn't happen in reality.
Tragic indeed.
Confirm one bro
Wow, i almost forgot it is fiction. Impressive