@defango, i see your efforts and contrinutions. Your article really made me consider a whole lot of things i saw the first time i came here.
However, im following you, and i will always follow and comment, thank you for writing
@defango, i see your efforts and contrinutions. Your article really made me consider a whole lot of things i saw the first time i came here.
However, im following you, and i will always follow and comment, thank you for writing
I ask the hard questions and try to do my best to answer them in a fun way
Hahaha the way you see things is quite interesting, its a good thing
The future is what we make it, extra points is you can exit your 3d self and see to the 5d plan you setup for yourself. (>")>
Or maybe 7 d Haha
thank for youre effort
I am followed you and up vote
I like 7d, if you can keep that vibe more power to you (>")>
ok @defango hhthis is 7d hhh
Certainly buddy, everyone has a choice and can follow their choices too