It's not very often a gun is pointed at my head. I glance up at my rearview mirror and see that the other guy is possibly more scared than me. The only thing I can do at this time is to follow along and drive. I acknowledge his demands with a slight nod, move my car into drive and hit the gas. The cold, rigid pressure is immediately lifted as the gun is lowered.
As I look up again, I connect with his eyes. He's telling me something with his eyes which really pisses me off since I can't read minds. "So, what's up? Where are we going?" I ask.
"Just drive. I have to think," he huffed.
I think to myself, as long as I'm driving, I should be safe. I look to see how much gas I have and see that I have almost a full tank. According to my display, I have exactly 434 miles to work this out. "Okay, think away," I replied.
"Can I trust you?" he asked, "I kinda need a friend right now."
Nice. Hehe