It was an anniversary gift for my sister. Although it was not mine, I loved him like he was.
He was a smart dog, spoiled and a little scared. Most of the time I was the one who took care of him.
About three months ago Nico disappeared. In an oversight of my dad leaving the door open, he left and didn't come back. We don't know what happened to him, but I hope that a good person has found him so he can be ok.
Maybe we were not the best family for him, but we loved him a lot. I miss him and I hope he is doing fine.
@kehiberaes, te recomiendo que cuando utilizas la etiqueta "spanish ", debes publicar en español, para contenido en inglés lo ideal es cambiar la etiqueta.
Las etiquetas son muy importantes para la visibilidad de nuestros post, si públicas en inglés, y colocas etiquetas diferentes, va a ser difícil que tu post le interese a las personas. Muchos no sabemos inglés, es solo una recomendació.
Gracias, la tomaré en cuenta en las próximas publicaciones
Awwww this made me cry. I hope he is safe somewhere.
Thanks. I hope it too ❤
As Disney's Cruella De Vil was aware, Dalmatian puppies are born pure white and develop spots as they grow older.