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RE: IMPROMPTU HAIKU 4 (Reader Participation Encouraged + Book Giveaway)

in #story8 years ago

Funny. Just this morning I had the idea to set myself a Haiku challenge for the week. At least 1 a day (most 3). I'll be posting them all on Sunday night, but here's the first one:

The tree outside my window
Tells me it's Monday
"Not so!" I cry "Already?"


Oops what a muckup
My first two Haikus are wrong
Returning to Go

Oops, I got my challenge off to a bad start by going on memory and not checking and ending up with 7, 5, 7 instead of 5, 7, 5. Back to the drawing board... writing desk... shower...

No worries, @kiwideb. I share your Monday blues.