Hahahahah nggak nyambung yah disambung-sambungin aja lah. :-D
Sekali-sekali dandan ngga papa juga, kalau pas mood buat dandan. Cuma jujur aja, sekarang jarang banget sempat dandan... keburu tereak-tereak anaknya hahaha.
You have addressed an interesting topic. First we moved to Bali, I thought, that only beautiful women walk around here, haha :-). But if you look closely, almost all women are extremely heavily made up. Without make-up, the woman would not recognize. Especially at ceremonies, all women look the same :-). I personally prefer natural beauty - even with small blemishes and wrinkles ;-). Really beautiful wedding picture :-). Greetings from Bali
Yeah...just to go grocery shopping they would dress up just like going for a party 😊.
My friends in Indonesia told me that it's too costly living there if you want to hang out with friends too often.
Even for children playdate they would set a dress code and suitable make up style... 😁.
They all want to be like those ladies in desperate housewife or sex and the city lol.
Yes, that's kind of sad. I often go to playdates with my daughter and the local kids are dressed like Barbie dolls or Kens ;-). Mostly the children come with nannies because the mothers do not have time. Last time a 3 year old girl asked me why I come with my daughter and not the nanny?!? I found that really sad that this becomes normality. Best regards to Germany
Ich bevorzuge auch möglichst ungeschminkte Gesichter, denn die wahre Schönheit kommt von der Natur. Lass dich durch dumme Kommentare nicht ärgern oder irritieren. Ein Kind, das aus Liebe entstanden ist, strahlt von innen nach außen und steht daher auch in seiner körperlichen Erscheinung außerhalb jeder Kritik! Ihr seid eine sehr bewundernswerte Familie!
It's really sad that the Asian culture is so much influenced by European beauty ideals. And in fact also the European is by other cultures, as tanned skin is seen to be more beautiful in Europe, even though most people are really pale. I needed to buy a deodorant when I was in Thailand and couldn't find a single one without bleaching ingredients. Even though the brand were European. I highly admire cultures like the Brazilian or Mexican one, that just live to their own beauty idols that seem natural to them.
Yes, that's true...every beauty product contain bleaching ...awful. Even the cheap ones and actually illegally marketed because they are using the dangerous substances, have always been sold out.
This make-up tutorial is awful, I agree with you. In Thailand we also have this "problem". Everyone is obsessed with white skin. I hope this will change in the future, but it is going to wrong way right now. BTW, both of you look great in your wedding photo, a beautiful couple. ;)
this is true a bit to much dear @kobold-djawa with the makeup :-) The man will not recognize his woman on the wedding day and he will maybe afraid to marry a another one in that day, hihi :-)
I was fascinated by the tutorials, particularly the first one, and loved it. But personally, having seen a wedding where this was done I find it very sad that that in order to look acceptable in the photos etc these women had to look as light as possible.
Make up is as you say very good if used to enhance one's best features whilst still trying to look natural. But to paint a mask that really totally disguises the person.....I think that is only really for stage and theatre.
It is so ironic that people with darker skin want to look lighter and Caucasian, whilst Caucasians bask in the sun, or use tanning to look darker. Why can't people just be happy in their own skin?
My sister-in-law is Madeiran and has darker skin; whilst on holiday I felt ill while out for a walk on the strand. She suggested that I go through one of the hotels on the beach out onto the road and wait for her to go round and bring the car to the front of the hotel. I asked why she wasn't coming through the hotel with me. She replied "It is a foreign owned hotel and with my dark skin they will either think I am staff or won't let me in". I was shocked and outraged ....this was her country, yet she felt like a second-class citizen! Needless to say I refused to go into the hotel without her. So wrong.
Unfortunately it seems to be a growing trend.
I must agree with you. It's really a remarkable skill to be able to change someone's appearance so drastically like that. I have nothing against the make up artist. I just feel pity for the people who do such a drastic make over just because they think their original self is too ugly for no reason. ^_^
You can't expect others to appreciate you if you can't appreciate your own self.
And yes again, the worst of all is discrimination towards their own fellow citizens ...there is nothing worse than being 2nd class citizen in your own country.
OMG!! That make-up is awful!! I can't understand why they hide their beautiful brown color and traces, I know some caucasian females that would love to have that brown color on their skin, me included!! :)
Here we use to say the neighbour's chicken is always better than ours! Like many things in life "less is more", and in what concerns to make up, this should definitely be the main rule (I'm not a fan of make up).
Halo mbak, piye, si kecil wes sehat walafiat?
Biyuuh, nulis postingan iki ketoke karo esmosi banget hahaha, tapi iki topik sing apik banget. Memang dandanan manten kayak gini lagi ngetrend, paes mantennya laris manis. Kadang ora percoyo before dan afternya lho soale bedo banget. Tapi yo kuwi,cantik tapi ngapusi. Neng okeh sing senang dan terkagum2.
saya juga penganut aliran make up sangat minim, alasannya, boro2 arep gambar alis, oles ini itu di muka, lha wong baru buka handbody aja, bocah2 wes ribut ga karuan. Batal deh oles2nya....:D
Sing macaki pancen pinter tenan,layak dipuji. Ning sing getol pengen putih kuwi sing mesakke ...gak PD nganggo banget..nipu diri sendiri.
Btw...masih agak batuk2 dikit, tp anaknya ngga bisa diem ehhe.
sak ayu-ayune fisik, iku pasti akan dimakan umur, tapi sak ayu-ayune watek karo karakter, iku sing ijik di golek. Fisik isok dipermak, paling butuh waktu 2 bulan wes dadi ayu, tapi lek karakter yo butuh tahunan.
Intine ngene ayu fisik iku sek isok dipermak, tapi lek ayu watek iku sing butuh perjuangan. Yo ngono wae :) Aku seh ora masalah, ayu-ayu tapi judes lan jahat yo podho ae, ora pathek ayu tapi watek apik lah yo iki sing ijik digolek. :)
Teorine ngono...ning orang kan mmg pengennya menciptakan kesan pertama yang menggoda ala iklan gitu lho hahaha.
Message of the story...jaman sekarang asal ada duit, siapapun bisa nampang dengan tampilan kaya selebritis dan jd instagram star 😂😆😁.
I have seen this in China, too.
I called them Clowns, because, well, that's the comparable amount of makeup they are wearing.
Could it also be some kind of prestige?
As make up is expensive, to show of, how much one can afford?
Is it maybe only in east Asian developing countries?
I didn't see it that heavily in Japan for example..
Well...Most Japanese have fair skin anyway, right? China is big, not every chinese have fair skin. And so far...Japanese have always been proud people, they were also colonialist and not the colony...so it's to be expected that this inferiotity complex is not a common problem in their society. They belong to the group who look down on other nation and not the victim.
Japan had sucked Indonesians blood and wealth too for few years until the end of WW II.
Sebenarnya banyak juga laki2 yang gk suka liatnya mba, tapi ya mau gimana, udah dianggap biasa mungkin. hehehe.hahaha,, tulisan yang sangat bagus mba @kobold-djawa. ini sebenarnya terjadi hampir diseluruh daerah yang terdapat di Indonesia mba, yang paling mirisnya mba, persis seperti yang mba bilang, muka sama tangan jadi beda,, :D
Well...ini bentukan dari sinetron dan iklan sih. Masyarakat dibrain wash, dibentuk sama mereka trend nya.
Kadsng ngga masuk akal banget. Jaman saya kecil bintang filem yg dipilih dicocokkan sama karakter di skenario, artis ngga takut tampil jelek, profesional gitu. Jadi orang desa ya lusuh, kulit terbakar matahari, ddekil.. Yang main macam Yati Surachman gitu.
Yang muka indo kayak Lidya kandouw, Widyawati, Ida Iasha...dipasang ya cuma utk peran anak orang kaya...jadi pas.
Jaman sekarang ceritanya orang desa, miskin, asli indonesia tapi yang main kok anak setengah bule yg kulitnya putih... Dah gitu tetep aja keliatan cantiknya..ngga mau keliatan dekil.. Rumahnya jg oke...Jian ngga macem banget...tapi herannya tetep aja laku filem nya.
Lah ini yang salah produsen apa pasarnya wkwkkwkwk.
Good sharing .ya sy jg pernah merasakan kalau saya gak dandan atau nyetil pas mau tanya sesuatu di butik atau di mall gak ditanggapi malah dicuekin padahal saya mau borong banyak.rugi deh tuh pelayan Yah begitulah mba,masih aja ada org2 yg melihat dari tampilan luar aja atau suka nyeletuk sembarangan.menurut saya Mrk adalah org2 yg blm siap PD dirinya sendiri dan kurang teredukasi.
Iya...kehilangan rejeki gede salah sendiri. Dulu waktu saya di Wonosobo juga gitu...disana kalau jf orang cuma liat tampilan bisa kecele. Soalnya yg nyetil nyetil itu malah pelit. Yang tampilan ndeles pake sarung ternyata banyakan juragan tembakau atau kentang dsri Dieng, kalau belanja bawanya kantong penuh duit kontan hahaha.
Hahahha, keren dan sungguh suka omelanmu mbak. Mereka yang ngomel tak paham soal jodoh dan kehendak Tuhan. Biarkan saja, yang iri tanda tak mampu. Top story
Menurut saya mbak @kobold-djawa jauh lebih cantik dibanding video tutorial make-up yang bikin wajah berubah total. Mbak terlihat cantik alami, memiliki inner beauty yang tidak didapat dari wanita bermake-up tebal.
Malah kelihatan serem kalo muka dimake-up tebal2 kasihan kulitnya jadi ngga bisa "bernafas". 😄
Selera suami mbak @kobold-djawa , mas @jaki01 ternyata sama dengan suami saya @syarrf dia kurang suka kalau saya pakai make-up , katanya kalau dikiss jadi kurang daya setrumannya 😂
Orang Imdonesia emang gitu mba @kobold-djawa, sukanya sama produk luar padahal produk sendri lebih bagus 😁 #entah kapan sadarnya orang kita indonesia😄
Dan satu lagi yg bikin saya geli😂😂 cewe2 yang suka dempul muka sehingga leher dan tangan jdi belang..😁
Padahal yang nature itu lebih enak di pandang😊
Hahaah lupa kasih dempul juga tangannya. Kayak Krisdayanti gitu dempulnya seluruh badsn yg ngga ketutup baju semua didempulin.
Cuma kalau kenal sama cowok tahunya berdempul terus suatu saat begitu nikah abis bangung tidur bisa kena serangan jantung dong hahaha. Kesian kan merasa ketipu gitu... Kan lebih baik tau dsri awal, jadi ngga ada aalasan saling menyalahkan hehe
Absolutely true said @kobold-djawa. Make up can be very woman to young lass. That's terrific videos and well description. You're pretty beautiful in weeding photo. I guess It was make up power. Ha ha... :D
Itu masuk akal...soalnya orang yg puas dan hepi dengan hidup dan pasangannya sendiri, ngga akan punya wsktu dan alasan utk ngerusak kesenangan orang lain 😁. Untuk apa, nga ada untungnya kan.
Saya heran aja...orang kok sukanya nyela ya...nyari2 jeleknya aja gitu lho. Senang kalau liat orang susah, susah kalau liat orang senang.
Yang model kayak gini inilah yang idupnya ngga bakal nikmatin bahagia. Habisnya yg ada dikepalanya negatif melulu sih. Lagian kalaupun ada pembantu yang naik pangkat jadi nyonyah kuga lantas kenapa gitu lho. Rejeki nya dia gitu lho..kok orang lain yg ribut. Wong ya bukan suaminya dia yang diembat kan hahaha.
beauty.then it is coming so beautiful. Above you showed videos brides so different with theirs make up. When we are putting make up it has to be really nice output finally,how ever thanks for you because of this is great post & we can learn some thing.Hi @kobold-djawa, my meaning also bride has to be with naturally
Yes, but it doesn't mean that it should stay like that. But yes, we can't do much about it because we live in a free world. If it's what they want then just be it... I just think it's too pathetic.
this is very important information post.. i agree with you.. makeup can change anyone....but naturel beauty is really beautifull.. you are amazing articles.. you explain this post so easly thanks for sharing this post... keep posting .....
yes i agree with you . worthy of being women are thinking make up uncommon or extraordinary. but i can thinks simple face are very nice . when i saw the vedio its not make up make a barby doll .thanks posting indonesia tradition .
Kecantikan memang ada, tapi hanya sebatas kulit. Kecantikan yang tak luntur lahir dari dalam, bertahan sampai kulit keriput. Itu kata orang bijak, bukan kata saya. Btw, suami @kobold-djawa mirip Wesley Sneider, bintang sepakbola Belanda. Pasangan serasi. Semoga bahagia sampai keriput, hehehehe.
Can't be agree more! Aq juga ga dandan. Sumpah,ribet. #timesup for fake, let's #makeupfree. Hashtag nyambung ga yaa..😂😂😂
Hahahahah nggak nyambung yah disambung-sambungin aja lah. :-D
Sekali-sekali dandan ngga papa juga, kalau pas mood buat dandan. Cuma jujur aja, sekarang jarang banget sempat dandan... keburu tereak-tereak anaknya hahaha.
You have addressed an interesting topic. First we moved to Bali, I thought, that only beautiful women walk around here, haha :-). But if you look closely, almost all women are extremely heavily made up. Without make-up, the woman would not recognize. Especially at ceremonies, all women look the same :-). I personally prefer natural beauty - even with small blemishes and wrinkles ;-). Really beautiful wedding picture :-). Greetings from Bali
Yeah...just to go grocery shopping they would dress up just like going for a party 😊.
My friends in Indonesia told me that it's too costly living there if you want to hang out with friends too often.
Even for children playdate they would set a dress code and suitable make up style... 😁.
They all want to be like those ladies in desperate housewife or sex and the city lol.
Yes, that's kind of sad. I often go to playdates with my daughter and the local kids are dressed like Barbie dolls or Kens ;-). Mostly the children come with nannies because the mothers do not have time. Last time a 3 year old girl asked me why I come with my daughter and not the nanny?!? I found that really sad that this becomes normality. Best regards to Germany
Das hast du Recht: Was für eine Entfremdung des Kindes von der eigenen Mutter ...
You are both very nice couple and look happy, as I can see from the photo of your wedding. You are beautiful naturally with not much make up.
I don’t agree with too much make up as in the video you shared, either!
I learned more about Indonesian tradition from your post. Thanks so much for sharing. ;)
Thank you 😊
You're welcome! ;)
Ich bevorzuge auch möglichst ungeschminkte Gesichter, denn die wahre Schönheit kommt von der Natur. Lass dich durch dumme Kommentare nicht ärgern oder irritieren. Ein Kind, das aus Liebe entstanden ist, strahlt von innen nach außen und steht daher auch in seiner körperlichen Erscheinung außerhalb jeder Kritik! Ihr seid eine sehr bewundernswerte Familie!
Vielen Dank für dein Kompliment 😊. Na ja, mir tut nur so Leid, dass das Schönheitskonzept so stark verzerrt.
It's really sad that the Asian culture is so much influenced by European beauty ideals. And in fact also the European is by other cultures, as tanned skin is seen to be more beautiful in Europe, even though most people are really pale. I needed to buy a deodorant when I was in Thailand and couldn't find a single one without bleaching ingredients. Even though the brand were European. I highly admire cultures like the Brazilian or Mexican one, that just live to their own beauty idols that seem natural to them.
Yes, that's true...every beauty product contain bleaching ...awful. Even the cheap ones and actually illegally marketed because they are using the dangerous substances, have always been sold out.
This make-up tutorial is awful, I agree with you. In Thailand we also have this "problem". Everyone is obsessed with white skin. I hope this will change in the future, but it is going to wrong way right now. BTW, both of you look great in your wedding photo, a beautiful couple. ;)
Thank you 😊. Most Asian nation seem to have this problem.
this is true a bit to much dear @kobold-djawa with the makeup :-) The man will not recognize his woman on the wedding day and he will maybe afraid to marry a another one in that day, hihi :-)
i am the only one who made a comment here? ;-)
There are some others as well, maybe page was not loading correctly? :)
I was fascinated by the tutorials, particularly the first one, and loved it. But personally, having seen a wedding where this was done I find it very sad that that in order to look acceptable in the photos etc these women had to look as light as possible.
Make up is as you say very good if used to enhance one's best features whilst still trying to look natural. But to paint a mask that really totally disguises the person.....I think that is only really for stage and theatre.
It is so ironic that people with darker skin want to look lighter and Caucasian, whilst Caucasians bask in the sun, or use tanning to look darker. Why can't people just be happy in their own skin?
My sister-in-law is Madeiran and has darker skin; whilst on holiday I felt ill while out for a walk on the strand. She suggested that I go through one of the hotels on the beach out onto the road and wait for her to go round and bring the car to the front of the hotel. I asked why she wasn't coming through the hotel with me. She replied "It is a foreign owned hotel and with my dark skin they will either think I am staff or won't let me in". I was shocked and outraged ....this was her country, yet she felt like a second-class citizen! Needless to say I refused to go into the hotel without her. So wrong.
Unfortunately it seems to be a growing trend.
I must agree with you. It's really a remarkable skill to be able to change someone's appearance so drastically like that. I have nothing against the make up artist. I just feel pity for the people who do such a drastic make over just because they think their original self is too ugly for no reason. ^_^
You can't expect others to appreciate you if you can't appreciate your own self.
And yes again, the worst of all is discrimination towards their own fellow citizens ...there is nothing worse than being 2nd class citizen in your own country.
i really believe :
"Beauty is in simplicity "
such a nice photo and great post
my husband and me also had a very very simple wedding party
I've sent you the link your post remember me to this link about Demi Lovato(Singer Demi Lovato removes her makeup in a #AmericanWomen )
OMG!! That make-up is awful!! I can't understand why they hide their beautiful brown color and traces, I know some caucasian females that would love to have that brown color on their skin, me included!! :)
The grass at the neighbour's yard is always greener. However this is just a bit too much I think 😊.
Here we use to say the neighbour's chicken is always better than ours! Like many things in life "less is more", and in what concerns to make up, this should definitely be the main rule (I'm not a fan of make up).
Halo mbak, piye, si kecil wes sehat walafiat?
Biyuuh, nulis postingan iki ketoke karo esmosi banget hahaha, tapi iki topik sing apik banget. Memang dandanan manten kayak gini lagi ngetrend, paes mantennya laris manis. Kadang ora percoyo before dan afternya lho soale bedo banget. Tapi yo kuwi,cantik tapi ngapusi. Neng okeh sing senang dan terkagum2.
saya juga penganut aliran make up sangat minim, alasannya, boro2 arep gambar alis, oles ini itu di muka, lha wong baru buka handbody aja, bocah2 wes ribut ga karuan. Batal deh oles2nya....:D
Sing macaki pancen pinter tenan,layak dipuji. Ning sing getol pengen putih kuwi sing mesakke ...gak PD nganggo banget..nipu diri sendiri.
Btw...masih agak batuk2 dikit, tp anaknya ngga bisa diem ehhe.
Hooh mba, nek sy liat di instagram, semua paes itu macaki pakai dempul putih, biarpun dasar kulit mantennya gelap. Ben mangklingi ngono...
Weiss, bocah aktif tenan nek ngono si Princess kuwi 👍
sak ayu-ayune fisik, iku pasti akan dimakan umur, tapi sak ayu-ayune watek karo karakter, iku sing ijik di golek. Fisik isok dipermak, paling butuh waktu 2 bulan wes dadi ayu, tapi lek karakter yo butuh tahunan.
Intine ngene ayu fisik iku sek isok dipermak, tapi lek ayu watek iku sing butuh perjuangan. Yo ngono wae :) Aku seh ora masalah, ayu-ayu tapi judes lan jahat yo podho ae, ora pathek ayu tapi watek apik lah yo iki sing ijik digolek. :)
Teorine ngono...ning orang kan mmg pengennya menciptakan kesan pertama yang menggoda ala iklan gitu lho hahaha.
Message of the story...jaman sekarang asal ada duit, siapapun bisa nampang dengan tampilan kaya selebritis dan jd instagram star 😂😆😁.
I have seen this in China, too.
I called them Clowns, because, well, that's the comparable amount of makeup they are wearing.
Could it also be some kind of prestige?
As make up is expensive, to show of, how much one can afford?
Is it maybe only in east Asian developing countries?
I didn't see it that heavily in Japan for example..
Well...Most Japanese have fair skin anyway, right? China is big, not every chinese have fair skin. And so far...Japanese have always been proud people, they were also colonialist and not the colony...so it's to be expected that this inferiotity complex is not a common problem in their society. They belong to the group who look down on other nation and not the victim.
Japan had sucked Indonesians blood and wealth too for few years until the end of WW II.
Sebenarnya banyak juga laki2 yang gk suka liatnya mba, tapi ya mau gimana, udah dianggap biasa mungkin. hehehe.hahaha,, tulisan yang sangat bagus mba @kobold-djawa. ini sebenarnya terjadi hampir diseluruh daerah yang terdapat di Indonesia mba, yang paling mirisnya mba, persis seperti yang mba bilang, muka sama tangan jadi beda,, :D
Well...ini bentukan dari sinetron dan iklan sih. Masyarakat dibrain wash, dibentuk sama mereka trend nya.
Kadsng ngga masuk akal banget. Jaman saya kecil bintang filem yg dipilih dicocokkan sama karakter di skenario, artis ngga takut tampil jelek, profesional gitu. Jadi orang desa ya lusuh, kulit terbakar matahari, ddekil.. Yang main macam Yati Surachman gitu.
Yang muka indo kayak Lidya kandouw, Widyawati, Ida Iasha...dipasang ya cuma utk peran anak orang kaya...jadi pas.
Jaman sekarang ceritanya orang desa, miskin, asli indonesia tapi yang main kok anak setengah bule yg kulitnya putih... Dah gitu tetep aja keliatan cantiknya..ngga mau keliatan dekil.. Rumahnya jg oke...Jian ngga macem banget...tapi herannya tetep aja laku filem nya.
Lah ini yang salah produsen apa pasarnya wkwkkwkwk.
Good sharing .ya sy jg pernah merasakan kalau saya gak dandan atau nyetil pas mau tanya sesuatu di butik atau di mall gak ditanggapi malah dicuekin padahal saya mau borong banyak.rugi deh tuh pelayan Yah begitulah mba,masih aja ada org2 yg melihat dari tampilan luar aja atau suka nyeletuk sembarangan.menurut saya Mrk adalah org2 yg blm siap PD dirinya sendiri dan kurang teredukasi.
Iya...kehilangan rejeki gede salah sendiri. Dulu waktu saya di Wonosobo juga gitu...disana kalau jf orang cuma liat tampilan bisa kecele. Soalnya yg nyetil nyetil itu malah pelit. Yang tampilan ndeles pake sarung ternyata banyakan juragan tembakau atau kentang dsri Dieng, kalau belanja bawanya kantong penuh duit kontan hahaha.
Ya bener tuh mbak:)
nice story
Hahahha, keren dan sungguh suka omelanmu mbak. Mereka yang ngomel tak paham soal jodoh dan kehendak Tuhan. Biarkan saja, yang iri tanda tak mampu. Top story
Kapam kapan dilanjutin lagi omelannya hehe.
Menurut saya mbak @kobold-djawa jauh lebih cantik dibanding video tutorial make-up yang bikin wajah berubah total. Mbak terlihat cantik alami, memiliki inner beauty yang tidak didapat dari wanita bermake-up tebal.
Malah kelihatan serem kalo muka dimake-up tebal2 kasihan kulitnya jadi ngga bisa "bernafas". 😄
Selera suami mbak @kobold-djawa , mas @jaki01 ternyata sama dengan suami saya @syarrf dia kurang suka kalau saya pakai make-up , katanya kalau dikiss jadi kurang daya setrumannya 😂
Makasih pujiannya 😊. Kurang jjrrrrrrereeret gitu ya hehe.
Orang Imdonesia emang gitu mba @kobold-djawa, sukanya sama produk luar padahal produk sendri lebih bagus 😁 #entah kapan sadarnya orang kita indonesia😄
Dan satu lagi yg bikin saya geli😂😂 cewe2 yang suka dempul muka sehingga leher dan tangan jdi belang..😁
Padahal yang nature itu lebih enak di pandang😊
Hahaah lupa kasih dempul juga tangannya. Kayak Krisdayanti gitu dempulnya seluruh badsn yg ngga ketutup baju semua didempulin.
Cuma kalau kenal sama cowok tahunya berdempul terus suatu saat begitu nikah abis bangung tidur bisa kena serangan jantung dong hahaha. Kesian kan merasa ketipu gitu... Kan lebih baik tau dsri awal, jadi ngga ada aalasan saling menyalahkan hehe
Syukur itu lebih baik 😊Iya kak @kobold-djawa 😁😁
Absolutely true said @kobold-djawa. Make up can be very woman to young lass. That's terrific videos and well description. You're pretty beautiful in weeding photo. I guess It was make up power. Ha ha... :D
Thanks... but the make up was rather simple. It was only a family lunch, we didn't hold any wedding party. :)
This is great life story and wonderful writing experience, thanks for sharing
Have a great day Thanks @kobold-djaw
Wah sebuah postingan yang sangat bagus tentang orang indonesia terimakasih banyak ya @kobold-djawa
mantap tulisan nya @koboldjawa,,mungkin mereka iri liat nya,dia pikir aku yang lebih cantik,tapi dia yang dapat bule...hehehe.
Itu masuk akal...soalnya orang yg puas dan hepi dengan hidup dan pasangannya sendiri, ngga akan punya wsktu dan alasan utk ngerusak kesenangan orang lain 😁. Untuk apa, nga ada untungnya kan.
keren mbak :D
apa lagi dikutipan "Paling jijay itu kalau denger orang Indonesia bilang yang disukai bule itu cewek muka babu."
Saya heran aja...orang kok sukanya nyela ya...nyari2 jeleknya aja gitu lho. Senang kalau liat orang susah, susah kalau liat orang senang.
Yang model kayak gini inilah yang idupnya ngga bakal nikmatin bahagia. Habisnya yg ada dikepalanya negatif melulu sih. Lagian kalaupun ada pembantu yang naik pangkat jadi nyonyah kuga lantas kenapa gitu lho. Rejeki nya dia gitu lho..kok orang lain yg ribut. Wong ya bukan suaminya dia yang diembat kan hahaha.
Setuju ama mbak :D
Yang sabar mbak lau orang gitu di acuhin ja :D
Keren jg itu make up nya ky sulap ga perlu operasi plastik dech klo gtuPagi2 udh ngedumel mba @kobold-djawa 😄✌️
Ngedumelnya tengah malem itu kemarin haha.
Iya, kalau bahas teknik make upnya saya harus jujur. Emang hebat itu juru riasnya.
beauty.then it is coming so beautiful. Above you showed videos brides so different with theirs make up. When we are putting make up it has to be really nice output finally,how ever thanks for you because of this is great post & we can learn some thing.Hi @kobold-djawa, my meaning also bride has to be with naturally
You're welcome.
Good sharing the info, but it is like that in every country nawadays. Keep enduring it oo
Yes, but it doesn't mean that it should stay like that. But yes, we can't do much about it because we live in a free world. If it's what they want then just be it... I just think it's too pathetic.
really interessting topic and post !!
very nice story
this is very important information post.. i agree with you.. makeup can change anyone....but naturel beauty is really beautifull.. you are amazing articles.. you explain this post so easly thanks for sharing this post... keep posting .....
indonesia make up styling is really amazing. thanks for @kobold-djawa
Oh, how this makes me cringe... smh
Natural beauty is true beauty.
yes i agree with you . worthy of being women are thinking make up uncommon or extraordinary. but i can thinks simple face are very nice . when i saw the vedio its not make up make a barby doll .thanks posting indonesia tradition .

Itu nama nya putri mba..( putih muka hitam kaki )..hahahaha
Cantik hati lebih utama
What a incredible make up style of in Indonesian.
lovely post.
wow amazing makeup!!
Kecantikan memang ada, tapi hanya sebatas kulit. Kecantikan yang tak luntur lahir dari dalam, bertahan sampai kulit keriput. Itu kata orang bijak, bukan kata saya. Btw, suami @kobold-djawa mirip Wesley Sneider, bintang sepakbola Belanda. Pasangan serasi. Semoga bahagia sampai keriput, hehehehe.
Ihr seht auf dem Foto beide absolut bezaubernd aus und ich finde, auf eine sehr natürliche weise. Viel hübscher als so überschminkt oder so ;)