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RE: The Doomsday Drip (Where are you living?)

in #story6 months ago (edited)

Discernment! That's the drip required to navigate this 3rd dimensional clown-world.
I'm 100% with you on the following, Eric:

I'm a firm believer that we all co-create our collective reality and that reality is born into the physical world in the form of our thoughts.

1.The more of us wake up aka remember who we are and
2.the better we become at walking the middle path, living from that zero point where all possibilities reside,
the higher the impact/imprint on (upgrade of) the collective consciousness.


Yes! It can be very frustrating to witness people being tricked time and time again. But we only really have power over ourselves and our own actions. This is where we need to focus and those who are awake will indirectly influence by their example. This is how it's always been, I think.