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RE: My Experience with Grounding/Earthing

in #storylast year

It just dawned on me after writing this post this morning that I wrote those words in the cold, dark, and waning hours of 2023. After realizing this I couldn’t help but laugh and feel a little more in awe of this amazing universe we live in.

I'd be tempted to call this synchronicity. Jung had a story about a time when he was working on the symbol of fish and the next day he kept encountering fish motifs around the house. This grounding bedsheet sounds interesting.


I think so too. : ) It's fun to experiment with synchronicity. I remember when that bestseller, The Secret, was published decades ago. After I read the book I really experimented a lot with the concept. It's quite interesting to play around with. Whenever I notice it happening I can't help but smile.

Going on a full week of sleeping on this sheet now and I'm a true believer. Placebo effect or not it's helping. I just can't believe how rested I feel, I'm much less tired at the end of the day too. Hope you're well!