Everybody is talking about FB, but forgetting that other large tech firms were involved in this as well, Apple, Google, Twitter, the list goes on.
Worse still, governments are squawking about this abuse of personal information, yet, they themselves have profited from this via their security organisations, CIA, NSA, MI5, Bundes Sicherheit Dienst, ect. This is hypocrisy at its highest.
However, we should not be surprised, because they want voters to be angry with the scapegoat and not scrutinise their own actions.
The likes of Assange and Snowden did and have for long warned us of this, but we ignored them.
Worried About What Facebook Knows About You? Check Out Google
Oh yeah, Google as well. Windows as well... And the list goes on.
Thanks for the link btw, that's super-creepy actually. And I appreciate you sharing it :)
The information needs to be shared.