Empathy as super power? A story of how a change of attitude has saved the lives of more than 70 abandoned dogs [English]

in #story7 years ago

What would you say if you were asked to choose a super power to save lives?

To find out, we asked this question to several people, and we invite them to answer the first thing that came to their mind. The answers we got were really interesting. Some answers were very funny, others somewhat philosophical, and some were more realistic.

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Today we bring you Mariela's story: a woman who has rescued more than 70 abandoned dogs.

Here are some of the answers we got:

  • Become invisible, be able to fly and be immune to any physical damage
  • Magic hands that allow me to fix everything I touch
  • Go back in time
  • Control of nature
  • Disposition, time and money
  • Teleportation
  • To stop time
  • Photographic memory
  • Super intelligence
  • Telekinesis
  • An app that invokes a super heroes team
  • Communicate with animals

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Max was very weak and ill when Mariela found him.
This photo was kindly provided by Mariela to the @letsteamup team

Naturally, due to the type of question, we expected to get answers of all kinds, especially because when we hear the term ‘superpowers’, we tend to make associations with movies, comics and other stories of superheroes with fantastic powers.

After the laughter and the discussion of the most extravagant or philosophical answers, we changed the question. This time it was:

If you were granted the super power you chose, what would be the attitude that should prevail so that super power is used to save lives, and not for other purposes?

Then, the answers took a different course. Some of this were:

  • Wisdom
  • Empathy
  • Responsibility and commitment
  • Goodness
  • Prudence and simplicity
  • Humility
  • Generosity
  • Solidarity
  • Honesty
  • Ethics

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Max posing fot the @letsteamup camera.

This moment was useful to remind us how important these values ​​are in all of our daily activities. If each one of our actions were motivated, for example, by empathy, kindness and wisdom, we could become real superheroes and even save lives, however irrelevant or simple our actions may seem. And this is something that all of us can achieve if we propose to do so.

That is why we want to share Mariela’s story: a woman who has changed her conventional lifestyle for a life devoted to rescue abandoned dogs , motivated by empathy and generosity towards animals.

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Mariela rescued and adopted Max when he was a puppy. Now he is a happy dog.

Meet Mariela

Mariela is 59 years old and lives with her family in Guatemala. She worked for more than 20 years as a teacher in a public school in her country. Mariela consider herself a very lucky person: she has been surrounded by people who love her and help her, and she has always had the opportunities to develop as a person and contribute to society. In her case, as an educator.

So for many people of the XXI century, Mariela lives a normal and quiet life: she worked and she always had what it gets to live comfortably.

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Mariela and her daughter taking a walk with their canine friends
This photo was kindly provided by Mariela to the @letsteamup team

After retiring a few years ago, her daily routine changed. Like many retirees, she got involved in new activities and met new people. But the most interesting thing was that Mariela discovered a completely new reality in her own home: situations that had always been there but which she had never fully realized.

Her daughter, Silvia, has a great affection for animals, and has always helped those who she can. Mariela noticed that her daughter was always coming and going from the vet with injured or sick dogs. Some of these dogs stayed at her house while they recovered. Mariela thought this was a very kind and exemplary action, but she never got actively involved... until Sky arrived: a female husky that had been abandoned on the street in very bad conditions.

Mariela's daughter sharing time with her dogs
This photo was kindly provided by Mariela to the @letsteamup team

Changing the mindset: Sky’s arrival

Three years ago, Silvia, Mariela’s daughter, took home a husky who was very sick and weak. "When Sky got home, I was surprised by how hungry she was. She was looking for food in all corners and was trying to eat as much as she could" says Mariela.

Sky's difficult situation shocked her and made her aware of the suffering that stray dogs have to face, especially those who have been abandoned. Hunger, cold, physical pain and anguish are feelings that we have all experienced as people... why should it be different for animals?

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Sky's before and after. When Sky arrived at Mariela's home, she was very thin. Now she is a healthy and strong.
This photo was kindly provided by Mariela to the @letsteamup team

Then Mariela thought she could help other dogs, and began to feed those who passed by her house. She started to take care for some of the dogs she saw in severe conditions, and took them to the vet. Mariela adopted two of them: Canela and Max. At first, she rescued about one dog each month. But now, not a week goes by without Mariela taking one to the vet to recover.

Over time, Mariela has met people and organizations that help her to get adopters for the dogs she rescues, since she does not have enough room to offer them a shelter. Now, with the generous collaboration of many people, Mariela has helped not only the recovery of injured and abandoned dogs, but also has found a home for every dog she has rescued ... And these cases have been more than few: Mariela has helped more than 70 dogs in recent years!

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Sky is happy in her new home, and as Mariela's family member
This photo was kindly provided by Mariela to the @letsteamup team

A day in a superhero's life: a day in a dog rescuer’s life

Mariela every effort to help stray dogs. She began by feeding them, and then she realized the importance of sterilization, as this prevents more dogs from continuing to suffer.

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Mariela started feeding stray dogs near her house
This photo was kindly provided by Mariela to the @letsteamup team

The first thing Mariela does when she finds abandoned or injured dogs in the street is taking them to the vet. At the clinic, the veterinarian applies the necessary treatments for their recovery. If they are in good health (this is, if they are not hurt or sick), they are sterilized before placing them up for adoption. If it is not possible to sterilize them, Mariela keeps in touch with the person who adopted the dog for the sterilization once he has recovered.

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Mariela found Canela in a ravine. She was injured and looking for food for her puppies.
This photo was kindly provided by Mariela to the @letsteamup team

After the dogs receive the necessary medical treatments, Mariela takes them to her home so the dogs can recover while someone adopts them. Mariela posts most of the rescue stories on Facebook to raise awareness about the terrible conditions faced by many stray dogs, and ways one can take to help them.

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Mariela adopted Canela and now she's a member of her family. Her six puppies also have a new home were they stay healthy, strong and happy.
This photo was kindly provided by Mariela to the @letsteamup team

Mariela runs with all the expenses and resources for the recovery of each dog, and she doesn’t charge anything for doing so. The only condition she asks to the adopter is to take good care of the dogs and to give them love and affection, just as other member of their family.

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Now, Mariela and Canela are inseparable.
This photo was kindly provided by Mariela to the @letsteamup team

She also keeps in contact with each adopter. Sadly, there have been some cases in which the dogs have returned, but fortunately, Mariela have found another home where a family take care of them.

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Canela posing for the @letsteamup camera.

A change of attitude as a life-changing experience

Now Mariela uses most of her time and her salary to help stray and abandoned dogs. The desire to buy things or conduct activities for her own benefit has been replaced by the desire to help the animals. And this has represented a radical change in her lifestyle.

Contrary to what one might think, the changes in Mariela's lifestyle did not imply that she stopped practicing exercise, buying clothes or having lunch with her friends. What she did change was the way and the motivation to conduct these activities: she practices yoga to keep her mind calm in difficult situations, she buys clothing only when necessary and the relationship with people has improved because she has become more empathetic.

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Mariela found Fátima under the rain. She was very weak. Mariela took her immediately to the vet.
This photo was kindly provided by Mariela to the @letsteamup team

The biggest challenges

Fortunately, Mariela has the support of her family to devote herself to this activity. Over time she has been reducing personal expenses to cover all costs necessary for the recovery of each dog.

Mariela says that the most difficult thing she has to face is that there is no local dog shelter where sick or injured animals can be taken to treat them. Therefore, much of her time and most of her salary is used to help dogs.

Many people have identified with Mariela's work and support her by donating dog food, giving room to help dogs, or donating money to cover some expenses. The recovery of dogs is the result of the effort and goodwill of many people who support Mariela’s initiative.

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Fátima was taken to the vet for treatment and recovery.
This photo was kindly provided by Mariela to the @letsteamup team

The reward

"Seeing that a dog is no longer suffering and is now healthy and part of a family that loves him is the most satisfying thing about my job," says Mariela. But she has also seen positive changes that she had not initially considered. Mariela has proven that many people around her are now more compassionate and respectful towards animals. "When you help, the benefits of your actions expand in ways you did not expect," she says.

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Fátima recovering under Mariela's arms.
This photo was kindly provided by Mariela to the @letsteamup team

Mariela emphasizes that changes in one's attitude are also surprising. When you acquire an attitude of service, you are willing to change your lifestyle -like cutting many expenses- to have enough resources to help. Mariela considers that this attitude is unconsciously transferred to other activities. She has seen that now easier to put herself in other’s position, and this has strengthened her relationship with other people.

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Fátima after a few days of recovery. Mariela found an adopter for her, and now she has a new family.
This photo was kindly provided by Mariela to the @letsteamup team

The lesson behind Mariela's story

When we ask our friends and family What superpower would you choose to save lives? initially many thought of all kinds of fantastic physical abilities, others gave more realistic answers and we even discussed more philosophical issues with some of them. But we reach the same conclusion in every discussion: without empathy, we are simply like an imprisoned superhero.

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Saying goodbye to Fátima through the window after leaving her in her new home. Now she is a very happy dog.
This photo was kindly provided by Mariela to the @letsteamup team

No matter how much material resources or what extraordinary physical abilities we have... if we can’t identify with the other’s suffering, it will be very difficult, even impossible, to help them.

Mariela’s story shows us that by changing certain attitudes and developing empathy, it is truly possible to become of great benefit to others... and we can see that the aid has not been just for a few. More than 70 dogs that were previously suffering are now part of a family that cares for them and loves them.

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A day in Mariela's work: rescuing dogs.
This photo was kindly provided by Mariela to the @letsteamup team

Minor changes that Mariela made in her daily routine (for example, when she started feeding stray dogs) might at first seem very small, but these actions helped her develop the firmness to relieve the suffering of these animals after seeing how many dogs were getting better.

All the superheroes we see in movies, comics and popular stories have a common aspect: the willing to help others. Then, we realize that we do not need to teleport, fly or return in time to save lives. If we develop empathy and use our wonderful human capacity, we can also become superheroes.

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Mariela ready to take a walk with Max, a dog she rescued and adopted.
This photo was kindly provided by Mariela to the @letsteamup team

It's your chance to help!

If you identify with Mariela's work and want to contribute to her cause, help us by making an UpVote, a Resteem or by following us. 100% of the money we receive as SteemDollars will be donated to support Mariela's initiative.

The comments and suggestions are a great support. We want to hear your ideas! Together we can make @letsteamup grow to support the recovery of many more animals.



I'm sorry to do this here, but can you help me please? Is for my dogs!
