Mystery of the Borobudur Temple (Part:2)

in #story9 years ago (edited)

Basic Materials and Technology Used


Mysteriousness of Borobudur is also recognized by Purnomo Siswoprasetjo who is Managing Director of Taman Wisata Candi (TWC) Brorobudur . Purnomo explained one mystery that still surrounds Borobudur is how the construction. Because the origin of large rocks which forms the basis of making the temple as well as the technology used for lifting and laying the stones to be able to produce a stunning stately building that until now is still an unsolved mystery.

Not only that, according to some archaeologists, the stone carving and sculpting is still a big question mark that has yet to be solved. They are still looking for the "artist workshop" to ensure a carving and sculpting rocks are very large and the very large number.

Location of Borobudur is Ancient Lake


Conscious or not, if you consider the location of the Borobudur temple turned out to be in place "unusual". It is located on a hill surrounded by two pairs of twin mountains, that Sindoro-Sumbing and Merbabu-Merapi. In fact, other temples built on flat land just ordinary. Actually, in 1931, an artist and expert on Buddhist architecture named W.O.J. Nieuwnkamp had proposed a theory that Kedu Mainland (which is the site of Borobudur in Java legend) is an ancient lake. According to him, Borobudur was built based on the symbol of a lotus flower floating on the surface of the lake. But the hypothesis is still a debate scientists at that time.

In his book entitled "The Geology of Indonesia", a scientist named Van Bemmelen also mentioned that pyroclastics of Merapi, which erupted on a large scale in 1006 has covered the lake Borobudur thus making the lake dried up and disappeared in history.
Purnomo (Director of Taman Wisata Candi (TWC) Brorobudur Prambanan Ratu Boko (Persero) which has been mentioned in point 2) also gives his opinion on the alleged Borobudur was built in the middle of this ancient lake. According to him around the temple there is a well salty. But the salty wells are not located in all regions, only at certain points only.

He also mentioned that the question of the Van Bammelen attract the attention of foreign scientists so as to make them arrive and undertake specific research to uncover the truth of the ancient lake that is still a mystery. Usually they stay for one to two weeks there.

One way to uncover the mystery is by researching rivers located in the neighborhood of the temple, including the Progo and Elo and the people living around the temple.



When carefully down this building, visitors will find the panels under the soil. It is at the very bottom of the temple, or rather in the hidden part of the foundation. Relief is named Kamadhatu divided in 160 relief scene Karmawibhangga Sutra or causation. Few knew what was depicted in the reliefs, and the reason why the reliefs in this section backfilled.

In fact Relief Kamadhatu stockpiled for painting the ugly deeds of man. For example images of people gossiping, kill, torture, rape, and sexual scenes in various positions. These panels are then deliberately covered with earth because the relief was calculated vulgar and obscene.

According to Professor of the Faculty of Social Sciences Campus Indonesia, Edi Sedyawati, the bas-reliefs depicting Kamadhatu time before civilized human life. This can only take place when the temple was built.

But the reason about stockpiling relief Kamadhatu still finished the conversation. There are conveying that this is deliberately done because it is considered less worthy shown to the public, but some think the closing is only for the stability of the position of the temple-not to landslides.


Borobudur was discovered by a local resident about age 18. At the beginning of this temple has been covered volcanic material as well as newly re-discovered by Sir Stanford Raffles of the Netherlands in 1814. Then in 1885, the temple Borobudur documented by archaeologists JW Yzerman and record reliefs , This time, the team found hidden at the bottom relief.

Then in 1890-1891 the closed side at Borobudur temple in the open as a whole to be photographed. Photographer Kasiyan Chepas, who was in charge of photographing one by one and find the temple building Kawadhatu side. Volume of 13000 cubic meters of stone is lifted, then returned again to the beginning position. To this day, the ground was piled up seseorangpun not be seen. There are three panels in the southeast of the temple is open, allegedly due back closure system that is not prime.


Chepas shots and recorded in 1931. The original book is now in the National Museum, Jakarta. Being stored in original cliche Tropen Museum, Amsterdam because his status has the Dutch Government. The Indonesian government has a mock all the pictures.

Please follow me on my blog @levycore if you enjoy my topics and content.

And also you can read part : 1 here


I walked up those stairs and it was well worth the sweat ! Beautiful and magical place

Ancient civilizations were fucking metal, dude.