Here it is, Low Capital Business Opportunity, Lots of Profit. (My personal experience in business).

in #story4 years ago

Here it is, Low Capital Business Opportunity, Lots of Profit. (My personal experience in business).

In everyday life, we all often hear the term business. Not infrequently today's young people who want to become a businessman or perhaps already pursue the business world.

Although the term business is often heard everywhere, not a few of us still do not understand the meaning of business properly and correctly.

If you are a person who has the desire to enter the business world, it is better to first learn what business really means. This is so that at least you have a basic idea first before further practicing it.

Aside from being knowledge, learning basic understandings about business from various experts will make you more prepared and steady in running a business. Especially if you understand the purpose and types of business.

Business is an activity of making, buying or selling goods and services which are then exchanged for money; work or activities that are part of the job; The number of activities that have been completed by a shop, company, factory, etc.

According to Steinford (1979) business is an institution which produces goods and services demanded by people.” This means that business is an institution that produces goods and services needed by the community. If the needs of the community increase, then business institutions will also increase their development to meet these needs, while making a profit.

In general, the main purpose of doing business is to gain profit or profit oriented. However, that does not mean that the business does not have other goals.

Here are some things that are often the goal of everyone doing business, namely:
- Want to be sufficient and meet various needs.
- To make the family prosperous.
- Desire to be famous as a businessman or entrepreneur by society.
- I want to be someone who can continue the family business.
- Want to try and take advantage of new things and opportunities that exist.
- Want to take advantage of free time with something profitable.
- Want to have your own business and business so you don't depend on others.

For me personally, business is an activity that is carried out with the aim of getting profits that are not only for a moment, but can even be said to be a business like us investing in the future, depending on what business we are in.

I've been running this business for almost 8 months, maybe it's only been a while, but if I look at the profit percentage at first, I don't believe it because the business I'm doing now for some people is considered normal. In fact, if I look at the surrounding conditions, economic conditions, environmental economic conditions or the community, I think this business is very suitable and guarantees the profits obtained.

If anyone is curious and wondering, what kind of business am I currently doing? The answer may be a bit confusing and even raises doubts. Alright, the answer is Ice Cream Business.

Yes, Ice Cream, how can the Ice Cream business bring benefits and benefits to the community or customers? The answer is, first, if in the past ice cream was known as food that was a little expensive, then now that thought is no longer valid, why? Because now there are so many types of ice cream that already exist, if in the past the price of ice cream ranged from 12000-35000 Indonesian Rupiah, for now there is Ice Cream which is very cheap, starting from 2000-5000 Indonesian Rupiah. Of course, this is very attractive to the public.


Due to the uncertain economic conditions, people can still buy something at a very cheap price and of course it is safe for consumption, which has been carried out by researchers by the Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM).

Not only that, a business cannot be said to be successful if only one party gets the benefits or benefits.


For the business that I am doing now, I can see that it is not only me who benefits, but the community or my customers can also benefit.

For the benefits, I will explain, so every time we order, the order is calculated per box.

  • for each box the contents can vary, ranging from 40 pcs to 60 pcs per box. (1 pcs = 1 ics cream, so per box we can get 40-60 ice cream).
  • For the capital, the price is 1700 Indonesian Rupiah, which we will sell at a price of 2000 Indonesian Rupiah, which means that in one box containing 40 pcs, we can get a profit of 12000 Indonesian Rupiah.

If in a day we can sell 10 to 30 boxes, it means that we get a lot of profit.
I personally can sell 20 to 50 boxes per day, meaning my profit starts from 240000-600000 Indonesian Rupiah per day. It should be appreciated and should be followed. Because my normal daily expenses are 50000-70000 Indonesian Rupiahs per day, which means that I still have 500000 Indonesian Rupiahs left if I calculate my average expenditure and income per day.

Alright, that's a little experience and information that I can share with friends, hopefully this can be useful.

See you in the next story.