Its like a week ago before i become a new curator on steemit. On my facebook pages when i scroll up and down the pages i saw a instaforex ads, so im click it and try to signing up to instaforex and i got two (2) choice account , demo account and live account. Amd i choosen the live account with startup bonus up to $1000.
Now im on the pages for trading and im still confused what's i have to do now woth my $1000 . While im thinking of what i've to do my hands on mouse clicking anything on the pages look at the chart and everything on my screen. And when i clicked on the chart, a new pages are shown. Im still confuse with them, but there's a option between sell or buy and some option in there. When im started to trade its fail, cause i changed some option on the top. So try again and again, till im bored with the things. Next day , im login to instaforex and open the chart pages and trying to trade without changes anythings and its works. Afterward, im makes some trade there. Till tomorrow i got 10% profit from startup bonus . Im happy succes to find the profit, but the sad things after i got profit 10% from startUp bonus i've to deposit with $100 USD or Rp. 1.300.000 in rupiah. And now its makes me about to leave instaforex 😂😂😂
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