The headlines were unmistakeable --
It was like the 1980’s all over again.., but different. Along with all the business men and women walking down the street, briefcase in hand, wearing their pricey suits, ridiculously expensive shoes, blowing joints and wiping the remnants of cocaine from the tips of their noses — now they were flanked by a new breed of money, a kind of money that was accessible to more than the well connected, the chosen few that scored their cushy finance jobs through nepotism... That one percent, that used to crap on the rest of the world — was expanding, getting bigger by the minute.., or depending on the technology the blockchain you were using.., mere seconds.
Along with those snooty spoiled brats that felt entitled to the massive amounts of wealth they squandered daily, over a $4000 lunch chased down with a few martinis and a couple blasts to keep them coherent — there was a new kind of money overtaking the size of their trust funds with each block that was run... A kind of money that all those wealthy pricks used to scoff at, make fun of — digital money!

It had passed the point of trend or fade.., cryptocurrencies were for real and they were taking over... From major cities all over the world to the smallest villages you had never heard of.., digital money was changing lives everywhere. And besides just buying new toys or doing more drugs, they were making a difference — they were irrigating towns that had never seen clean water, they were feeding children and families that were so used to being hungry that the hunger pains they felt had become normal... Yes, it was true — cryptocurrencies were reigniting the face of humanity, not leaving anyone behind...
With just a few taps of your thumb on a smartphone wealth was created and transferred to the smallest corners of the world. But it wasn’t just money, it was much more than financial — the energy, the whole vibe of the world was shifting at an incredible speed.., from the divisiveness and hatred that had been growing and threatening all of humanity, the fear we had all grown used too.., to the familiar feeling of inclusion and love we had moved so far away from...
If someone did look like they were hurting or down on their luck, it was not uncommon for a complete stranger to tap them on the shoulder, ask them for their crypto wallet address.., and in seconds a smile came over their face, that was met with a pat on the back.., and they had more than they needed transferred to them, thanks to the speed, efficiency and humanity of the blockchain — yes you read right, humanity... This new technology was more than just algorithms and protocols, it had in no uncertain terms — a human, a very human quality.

The secret was out.., a secret so big, that the one percent that controlled all the wealth in the world had fought tooth and nail to hide for centuries — there was enough for everybody, there was never any reason for anyone to go without, except fear... A fear made-up in the minds of governments and the people that controlled them.., that it would eventually run out. Only cryptocurrencies had solved that problem, more and more wealth was now constantly being created...
The world which has been on the brink of WWIII.., had stepped out of the modern dark ages and into the light. Crime, both violent and nonviolent had all but vanished from the streets it once infected... it had been replaced with joy and abundance for all... It is amazing how quickly things — the biggest things can change, when people stop worrying about where their next meal will come from.., when they’re allowed to connect to their true self and live the bliss each and everyone of us contains within...
It was now a world that had, up until now, only existed in fairytales.., in the minds of children, born from their untainted imagination.., now made real for all, even the most fearful. But even with all this newfound wealth, joy and love.., there was an underlying sadness that took its rightful place in the heart of humanity, for all the needless suffering so many had endured, for so many, many years. It had taken root in the core of everyone around the world, as if placed there by a greater being, to remind us all, to never again visit that dark place of selfishness and greed... It was a sadness that all of us would have to bear, for all the past crimes against humanity, that we either committed or just stood by and watched — it was there for a reason, the best reason of all.., it was to remind us, we are all in this together -- this crazy thing we call life, as one community, one race -- the human race.., and of course, the power of love.
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This was well crafted with a huge load of information
Thanks.., appreciate it!
thank you for providing my friend information, may be useful to all of us thanks, very good post and great information.
When i heard about this cryptocurrency i was like come on...really ......first i thought it is about share market stuff.....then i came to know ...what actually happened ...and now.....here i am ....on steemit......gaining some mortality....
Glad you found steemit!
Hell yes ...it feels like i am never gonna leave it....it is really fun...atleast you can do what you want here....i am loving it....
As always your articles are wonderful
The power of cryptomonedas, the economy of the future, which is the economy of the present to change and improve the lives that are already in this sublime path, is very motivating.
I agree...
Excellent way you just told about this thanks for sharing your work :)
the world is ever changing now ...great post it was thanks for sharing
the cryptomania is on all time high :D wonderful this was :)
cryptocurrency is certainly here to stay ...your post re establishes the fact
Well, this is a story of information. You made it amazing to read. Thank you!