The Black Door
Little did 99% of everyone enjoying one of the best meals in the city know.., that after that mouth-watering dessert or luscious after dinner drink.., after the bill was paid and you were tucked away in bed for the night -- the fun was just beginning… That's right one of the most sought after dinner destinations in the country, was also home to the coolest after-hours party the city had ever seen!
Even if you were one of the select few -- "in the know..," even if you had just spent a small fortune on that meal, by 1:00am you and everyone else was escorted out… By 1:30 the staff had cleaned and locked up for the night -- at least that's what most people thought… But by 2:00am a whole new crew showed up, to prepare the place for all the world class partiers that flocked to this establishment, whenever they got word -- the party was on…
By 3:30 in the morning everything was in place, to cater to people that lived to party, many flying in from all over the world just be a part of all the craziness… And even though from the outside it looked like a restaurant that was all locked up for the night.., if walked down the pitch black alley, you would see a single edison lightbulb illuminating a black door -- which is exactly what this after-hours place was known as -- The Black Door.
If you weren't specifically looking for it, you had no idea, that right behind that inconspicuous door.., lied the time of your life! It was pure decadence -- the best of the best.., from extremely rare wine and liquor, old school Dj's and dancers, the food available rivaled any 5 star restaurant, gambling in the basement.., and since this was an after-hours -- the highest quality drugs on the planet.
Historically, after-hour party's were dumps… They served crap liquor in plastic cups and half the crowd were low-level drug dealers, selling shit that would barely get you high -- plus, they usually attracted a bunch of low-lifes.., and they bought a lot of heat. Besides the local cops breaking up the party, they had to worry about gangs and the mobsters that charged protection money…
But whoever operated The Black Door, had that all figured out… The head of security was a giant, but very stylish black man -- Bigga, he was the former leader of one of the most ruthless gangs the city had ever seen.., and Jett -- the owner was the son of one of the most highly decorated detectives and his mother was the daughter of a legendary mobster…, he had all the bases covered. As far as the drugs.., only a few specific dealers were allowed, their only obligation was to make sure the staff was taken care of…

*It was like a well oiled machine, all the pieces in place and running smoothly… *
The only person that knew Jett was the owner.., was Bigga, the head of security -- they were tight.., Jett had hid him in the walk-in cooler one night when a couple of dirty cops working for some scumbag came in looking for a "Big Black Guy." Jett had no know idea who Bigga was when he came running into a small bar he used to own years earlier begging for a place to hide… He could tell from the tone of his voice he was in some serious trouble.., and without hesitating, he hid this huge black guy in one of the coolers downstairs. Later he would find out the cops that were chasing him were on the payroll for a bunch of Columbian gangsters that ran illegal diamonds, forced women into prostitution -- I mean, they even gave gangsters a bad name. And from that night on Jett and Bigga were like brothers from another mother -- they were family.
And ever since that night, at Jett's first bar -- the Columbians had disappeared.., rumored had it Jett's dad along with a few of his mothers relatives had run them out of town. As the whole staff is gearing up for all the debauchery that is about to take place, they all gather at the back bar for a quick staff meeting… Jett is behind the bar making a round of shots for the crew and making sure everyone is on top of their game… It's 3:45am.., and in 15 minutes they place will be crawling with some of the wealthiest, coolest people on the planet -- and the women, from super models to royalty (there was always a princess or two)…
Just as the staff meeting breaks up and everyone heads off to put the final touches on the place -- Bigga looks freaked out.., he gestures for Jett to meet him out front… And when he gets there, he knows something is wrong, very wrong… Two bus boys are scrubbing what looks like blood, a lot of blood right outside the entrance to The Black Door. He takes Jett about 20 feet down the alley.., and lying there dead is Butch, one of the bartenders.
His throat has been cut from ear to ear -- a Columbian necktie. Taped to his chest is a note -- WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE, WE KNOW WHERE YOU ARE… AND WE WILL BE BACK! Jett looks up at Bigga.., and there is real concern on his face. People only get killed this way when someone wants to send a message… But why now… And are the Columbians really back in town… and just as they throw Butch's body into the back of a van, the first guests start to arrive. Jett turns to Bigga and says -- "Tell your boys to be on their toes, Im going to make a few calls and get some back-up down here -- if they come back, things are going to get ugly."
Stay tuned for Part 2 of The Black Door… Are the Columbians really back in town.., and if so, what do they want… And is the is the beginning of end to this one-of-kind after-hours experience -- only time will tell…
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Those black doors could be wallpaper for motion-picture film :)
They are pretty cool...
I know :)
The story is interesting.Black Door Attractive Title
I actually worked at a bar named The Black Door!
Oh damm that was a great story to read i am looking forward to it
Thanks @blazing... Glad you enjoyed it!