They're not kidding when they say -- "Life can change in the blink of an eye…" Pancreatic cancer is a devastating diagnosis to begin with.., but it was this last few words from the doctor, that scared the shit out of Finn -- "and it's pretty far along." Those few words alone, more than suggested, Juno had just been handed a death sentence.
On the way home, not knowing exactly what to say or do.., Finn hangs a left instead of a right -- and heads straight for the beach, or high above it I should say… It's a picture postcard kind of place.., and where many of the locals come to "make-out." As they sit on this giant rock, watching the sun begin to set -- Finn starts describe the first sunset he experienced, that first night on the boat, as he dined with a local stray dog.., completely in awe of what he was seeing… He turns to look at Juno.., he sees a steady stream of tears effortlessly rolling down her face, she says hopelessly --
"Im never going to make it back, am I?"
It's as if, something has just reached in and ripped out his heart and soul -- but he refuses to believe that… "I'll get you back.., somehow I will get you back." A look of complete peace comes over her face.., and those tears turn from sadness to a playful laugh and a glimmer of hope. Before they know it, it is pitch black -- they've been sitting there for hours…
As they pull up to Juno's apartment, laughing and giggling.., they seem to have let the weight of the situation go, for the moment -- they see Finn's parents, once again standing outside, only this time they have a small moving truck and not a limo… Both of his parents are semi-retired doctors.., they still consulted on certain cases, but had pretty much removed themselves from the ever increasing "business-like" medical profession. Once they saw all the unnecessary testing and even surgical procedures being done on helpless patients at their most vulnerable.., they lost respect for the field and no longer wanted to be associated with it…
Instead they had re-ignited their passion as young medical students, for more Eastern philosophies involving healing the body and mind. Like I said earlier, Finn's parents were definitely pretty cool -- they just understood the importance of an education for a young man, in a world with an ever increasing loss of imagination… But there was no doubt of their love for their son.., and now his girlfriend -- Juno.
Word of the potentially ending diagnosis, has spread through town like wildfire -- and Finn's parents wan to be there for this lovely girl, that has become such a huge part of their sons life, so quickly. They want both of them to know, they are not alone.., and they really want Juno to know, she now has a family. Having so much to offer, they have decided to turn Finn's old apartment above the garage, which had in recent years they had made into a beautifully spiritual place to meditate.., into a place for them both to stay.
Finn's mother also has reached out to a young Asian girl she mentored through school, who has the oldest soul you have ever encountered, with an innate healing power that has been passed down through generations, to help both Juno and Finn deal with what will soon, push them both to their limits… Juno is overwhelmed by the gesture.., and Finn can clearly see she wants to go and gladly accepts their gracious offer.
As with many life threatening diseases.., once the diagnosis is actually verbalized, they seem to progress at a much faster rate -- *and this case is no different. *Juno's body is being ravaged by this malignant cancer, as each day passes… And what Finns parents neglected o tell them, is that this young Asian girl, while being a healer.., is also a guide. She and her family have been guiding souls onto their next life for over a century.., and knowing the eventual outcome of Juno's condition, Finn's parents want her to be in the right "place," surrounded by people who understand death is just a journey to a new life.
And when the day of Juno's last day on this earth arrives.., it seems their plan has worked -- Juno no longer fears death, but looks at it like a Great Adventure, a transition from this realm to the next. She has, in such a short period of time, surrounded by her new family.., come to realize -- death is basically a birth… And Finn has been her rock, through it all, all the sleepless nights, the fear of the unknown -- all of it… Only he is not quite so accepting of what is to come, this very night --
No, he wants to scream and hit something… He seems to be having a harder time dealing with Juno's death -- than Juno! And could, many fear.., result in one more soul leaving this earth, only this one is not ready…
As Juno's souls passes from one life to the next.., what will happen to our Golden Boy... What does the universe have in store for these two souls -- and is paradise a thing of the past.
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Well written, very touching. Sadness took me
Thanks @helenkaquot... :))
NOOOO!!! Why?! T.T Why did she have to go?
T.T broke my heart
It is getting pretty sad... Thanks for reading along!
Nicely narrated story loved reading it.
Thanks @blazing -- appreciate it. Glad you liked it!
I truely enjoyed all of the parts, now ill be sad once part 5 ends it all =/
Thanks @journeyoflife... Lets hope the ending isn't too sad...
Great post
Ow man.. Please tell me you are spending your sunday morning writing Part 5 :)
Good story. Sad, but I think many out there can relate.