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RE: A Foretelling Dream?

in #story8 years ago

Another excellent piece! Fascinating dream imagery -- dreams are of the utmost interest to me as it's in the etheric realm that we can get a feel for what is going on here and now, not only a look into the unconscious aspects of self but also, they are an arena that taps into the collective which gives us a feel for what may be going one with the collective as a whole in terms of waves, or movement that can and will surface into mundane realities.

*sharing this post because it's important.I really enjoy your page @ronmamita.


Dreams are a mystery that should not be.
We sleep as much (if not more) than we work yet very little is known about one of the most frequent activities in our life span.
That doesn't sit well with me, it never did and never will.

That goes along with being born with amnesia or the spell of forgetfulness...

I agree. I recently started a show on Dreams, Dreaming, and Dreamers that host one interview a week where my co-host and I drill down on the subject including, NDE's and OBE's, as wells as postulating the reality of it all, especially in conjunction with the aspect of memory and pondering realities... What is real? Where are we, really? Ect.

It's called Nox Mente (night mind in latin) on YT -- I post the shows on my page here.

Thanks @mamadini I will look for one of your Nox Mente podcasts.

Thank you @ronmamita. :)

Thank you @mamadini - the tech difficulties during the show must have been stressful on you and your production partner. But, you all persevered through it.


Thank you. I roll with it but of course I want to put out the best show we can without being overly slick... I like the lowtech feel a lot.