In all honesty, I think your English is very good. If it is true that you are tired, or do not understand the post, then you should not be commenting at all because babbling away something that is not related to or something that does not make sense or something that clearly shows you did not read the post at all is disrespectful to the author who has spent time and effort in a post.
When I saw your comment on my post:Hello @ronel, I appreciate your reply.
Me, I'm living on this unknown that I can't fully understand lol
Anyways, your post is, fantastic, awesome, entertaining, exciting, beautiful, worth watching & reading, fantastic, what else?
My mind is limited to think so, I stop there.
My mouth is starting to blah blah blah now. I guess I'll kinda moderate it a little bit lol
What else would I say?Oh, so you're living on this earth as what you put in your profile @marblely?
Frankly, I was speechless and quite offended when I read your comment, unsure what to respond until now.
If you truly and honestly want to comment about a post, then you should take the time and effort to read them (or even read twice or thrice if you do not understand the first time) before you comment, else do not comment at all. Yes, your comments are long but a comment should be meaningful and constructive. What you have commented showed that you are just commenting for the sake of commenting (as what @adamada has pointed out), showing no appreciation of the post and hoping that the author would reply you and "engage" with you so that you will win something for a comment contest.
I thank you for that and adamada as well.
Yeah, the two of you are right, I sometimes I feel like commenting for the sake of engagement. My apologies and to all that I commented in the past. But those comments are not really that much, I'm just kinda like talking to people I guess too much and want some connection. I guess my approach is wrong.
Its not really mainly the comment contest for money which is the reason.
I could also see that there are those that replies to my comments and I as well replied to them. And sometimes because too many replies, I just replied sometimes anything that comes to my mind.
I'm just human being that makes mistakes.
I guess I have to moderate things out.
I love you guys for reprimanding me.
It means a lot to me. I appreciate what you have done to me that made me aware of things that's important.