The granddaughter visited her beloved grandmother.
You can see that she is stressed and unhappy with her life - nothing goes as it should.

Whenever it seems to her that one problem disappears, the next one appears again and again.
The granddaughter told the senior woman everything and she revealed that she was no longer strong.
Without a word, they went to the kitchen. The senior woman filled three pots with water and put them on the stove.
When the water began to boil, she put carrots in one dish, placed eggs in the other, and threw a grain of coffee into the third.
After 20 minutes, grandma turned off the stove.
Carrots and eggs pulled out onto the plates, and poured coffee into the cup. She turned to her granddaughter:
, "What you see?".
- "carrots, eggs and coffee" - she heard
- "touch the carrot, break the egg and take a sip of coffee" - the senior woman instructed.
The granddaughter did everything she was told.
She was surprised, however, why she should do it.
Grandma said: "All three of these things have been subjected to the same adversity - boiling water.
Carrots were hard and strong before being put in a pot, but after I put it in boiling water it became soft and weak.
At first the egg was fragile. A thin shell protected the liquid interior, but when cooked in boiling water, its interior hardened.
Coffee beans are unique. After putting in boiling water, it caused the water to change. " - "And what do you love my dear? What are you? Carrots? Egg or coffee? "- Grandma asked
Grandma began to think aloud: "Are you like a carrot that seems to be strong, but in pain and adversity it weakens, becomes soft and loses strength?"
"Or maybe you are like an egg that has a soft interior, and under the influence of heat it harden?" Do you have a heart that after someone's death, failed relationship and other difficulties becomes hard and stiff? Are you different outside than inside?
"Or maybe you are like a coffee bean? When the water becomes hotter, the taste is released? When things get worse and worse, are you better? Do you process the problem and go on? "

I hope you have enjoyed !!!
Thank you for visiting and support my work. My heart is deeply appreciate .

loved it
Thank you so much my friend :-))))
Amazing that's a nice story, I'll tell you it somehow sums up as like my life.
I am glad you like it :-))) thank you
Very nice my friend
Thank you :-))
i love your post @margaretwise
Thank you 😊
really perfect
Thank you so much 😊
Nice story my dear friend
Thank you so much 😊
Good story and great lesson! Thanks so much for sharing! ;)
Thank you my dear :-)))
You're welcome! ;)
Very wise story and lessons the grandmother taught her granddaughter! Life throws all of us hot water from time to time. How we react is the key to moving on!
Have a great evening, my beautiful friend! @margarerwise⚘💯☕
Thank you. I am so glad that you like it :-)))
cute photography and good story dear @margaretwise
Thank you my dear :-)))
awesome photos thanks for shere @margaretwise
Thank you for visiting :-)
Very nice and quite unexpected! It makes me think about the little problem I have to put up with this month! Thank you very much!
Thank you my dear 🤗
Thank you
Can we be all three of them at same time??
On this question everybody needs to answer individual :-) have a interesting day :-)
Wonderful life story you write. I enjoy your work. Thanks for sharing such a good post
Thank you for reading. Have a great day :-)
wow nicely written it..i like the gives a very good message to us
"Or maybe you are like an egg that has a soft interior, and under the influence of heat it harden?"
"Or maybe you are like a coffee bean? When the water becomes hotter, the taste is released
so it a choice of ours to become an egg or a coffee bean at the end :) love it
Thank you. I am honored :-)
Loved the story sis ❤️ have a beautiful day 😊
Thank you sis. I am very happy that you like it. Have a fantastic day my love.
Beautiful love between granddaughter and grandmother. ;)
Thank you my dear. Yes, indeed ☺️
that beautiful lesson as well as inspiration and motivation to thinking about life and relationship to our community, yes we want like a coffee been which serve flavour in tough condition, thanks.
Yes, indeed, my friend :-)
so lovely post!!
Thank you
Great advise in a heart touching way.Great work
Thank you :-)