¿Can dreams influence our lives and also have some meaning?

in #story7 years ago (edited)

¿Have you ever heard that dreams have a meaning and sometimes they tell us things that are likely to happen in our environment or are happening but for some reason we ignore them?



Well, there are some theories that say that dreams have a meaning according to their structure and that is not necessarily linked to what the dream shows itself.

In this post I will tell you a dream I had a few days ago and I leave a concern quite large to know if it has any meaning.

I made some drawings of exactly how the images looked in my dream.

The dream begins in a street of some neighborhood, the street was quite long, I run into it, dressed in pajamas, ran very fast and looked back terrified, definitely something chased me.

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So I stayed for a while, running faster and faster, until I found a white house with the open door, somehow I wanted to take refuge in it.

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Upon entering, I climbed a stairs that took me to a very small room, so small that I could not stand inside it, the room only had a small window overlooking the street from where I was running, I was there staring I went to the street until suddenly a child appeared and said something I could not understand, it seemed that he wanted to help me because my reaction to what he told me was to get out of there by jumping through the small window.

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After jumping I kept running and looked with fear at that white house where I had taken refuge, fled from there as if what was chasing me was already inside the white house, I continued running and at the end of the path I found a yellow room, It looked safe and it was also my only option since the route ended there.

There in the yellow room I took refuge and lay down in fetal position with much fear, I knew it was my end and there I was waiting, in the distance I could hear several voices of people trying to save me, but inside I knew it was my end, until I closed my eyes and I did not know more about myself.

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then I woke up and I could not go back to sleep and I'm still thinking if the dream has meaning about my present and my future.
