@canadian-coconut Even after all these years of growing up in this "care" system I am still horrified when hearing stories like this, it seems so easy nowadays for them to take children from loving parents.
When you give someone power it usually effects them in a negative way, even if they were normal people before they can turn into monsters, these monsters are running our countries and they all seem to have the same agenda, tear families apart, create a broken youth, keep the care homes, prisons and mantal hospitals filled up with lost souls. Believe it or not it's very profitable for them to have this broken society plus they get a steady flow of kids to feed their sick and twisted desires.
There is no doubt in my mind that it's connected, it's designed to be like this, the separation starts at birth, then vaccinations followed by school, this whole process is designed to separate families, keep the parents busy working, the kids pumped full of vaccines and sugar and if that doesn't work then they just come and take the children because you forgot to brush their teeth last night.
It's the same in every country now which proves it's not a mistake or just a one off.
But the simple fact that we are aware of this is a huge step in the right direction, their time is running out and they know it, the evidence piling up against them is huge, in Britain we have the uk column, who are really doing all they can to expose them for who they really are,
Canada should have something similar, with platforms such as steemit gaining popularity I believe it will be easier to inform the masses.
I understand you being wary, me on the other hand, I am not scared of these vermin because I have no adress, I am a nomad so I feel I am in a great position to do what I can, and I will.
Thank you so much for everything you have done to support and encourage my posts, I am not the best of writers but I have a lot of experience and knowledge about these subjects, combined with my determination and fighting spirit I will do what I can to expose this madness.
Blessings to you and your family and all the people you have helped in your town and here on steemit, you are a very special Woman Linda.