Mushroom Trip Report

in #story4 years ago


60g fresh ish (~6g dry)


This is where the ish comes in. See multiple people were making teas and each wanted a slightly different dose so what happened was the first person made a tea in a french press, then the second person just tossed their mushies into the press with what remained from the first persons and so on and so forth. Further is that the french press wasn't able to press all the way to the bottom to squeeze the remaining water out so when it came to me as the last person there were around 90g of fresh mushrooms already chopped up in there so when I added mine I was actually able to squeeze the last bit of water out, the bit that had been saturating in the previous mushrooms. The other thing that makes me prep different was that my 60g was mostly composed of aborts (mushrooms that stop growing or don't mature before harvest, they are usually a little more potent per weight than fully mature mushrooms). So I had 6g ish of dried mushrooms equivalent.

To make the tea I boiled some water-lemon juice mixture (3:1 ratio) and poured it into the press. Then I let it steep for 15 minutes while agitating it every few minutes (pressing the press down then pulling it up a few times). At the 15 minute mark I had about half a mug of tea (probable around 250ml) containing around 0.054g of the active alkaloids (the prodrug psilocybin and the drug psilocin) however there is uncertainty about this dose. I also had a teabag of my choice present (some orange pekoe).


I finished drinking my tea at 18:52 (6:52 PM). At 19:21 (7:21 PM) I just started to notice some of the effects kicking in so me and the people I was with decided to go for a walk outside. At this point, lights (especially bright white LED's) would have a bright rainbow corona around them. The sparkles off of the snow would also have this corona making the entire landscape effectively colourful. Truly it was a beautiful sight. As we walked we moved away from the residential area and into a field where we could look around and see if anyone was coming (the moonlight was illuminating everything, along with our pupils being so dilated that we probably had some pretty decent night vision). At this point it had felt like we were walking for around an hour and I looked at the trees that line the edge of the field. With the light behind them and the wind it looked like the trees were slithering. Like it looked like a snake slithering across the ground. Further every time I breathed in it was like the entire world was breathing in with me (until the yawns kicked in). When I started yawning my eyes would tear up and momentarily my vision would be that of a kaleidoscope. At this point though I still didn't have any CEV's (closed eyed visuals).

We continued walking and when we were almost back to the house the one companion started complaining about being cold (it was around -20C the night we did this and there was wind, it was not a warm night) so we stated trying to move faster. This is when the one who was complaining started waddling as their pants started to fall down and all of us broke out into laughter. Like keeling over laughing at the sight of this man who towers over the rest of us waddling as fast as he can while trying to stop his pants from falling down.

By time we finally got back I ended up looking at this tree right outside the front door of the house. In this moment I was seeing in triples with the main image and then a red and blue outline image on either side (like you see with old 3d movies if you take the glasses off). Further each little branch looked like it was alive and part of some demonic being from another dimension, wriggling and moving as a beast of pure evil. I stayed and stared at this being as it writhed around looking to escape the clutches of the roots for what felt like hours to me.

Finally we came inside to the inviting warm house, the time was 19:44 (7:44) and we had only been gone 23 minutes but it felt like hours had passed.

At this point being almost an hour into the trip I could no longer close my eyes without being transported to a land of pure Escher like geometrics and impossible geometries constructed of pure light. The CEV's had taken over. Every time I closed my eyes I was transported to a landscape of light that would fold into itself, ever changing with every sound made. Low tones would induce the landscape to turn red with higher tones making greens and blues, changing the mood of what I was located in. In this landscape there were beings populating it.

During this time we had put on music and on the TV we played some calming video of cosmological bodies (stars, nebula, galaxies, etc). Now this is just my personal opinion but when tripping on mushrooms I find it so much cooler to watch stuff that doesn't normally move and see it moving instead of watching stuff that is already moving. Like if I am watching a pot on a stove that is breathing and changing sizes, that is so much more interesting than watching something like a music visualizer program. So I didn't spend a lot of time watching the video but every once and a while I would look up to see before closing my eyes again and slipping back into this landscape of light. The other people with me, one went to have a shower and the other was watching the TV in amazement.

At 20:12 (8:12 PM) we all gathered in the kitchen. By this point we had all forgotten the date and were all in amazement that it was that early. We all got bundled up to go for another walk and as soon as I stepped outside I felt the piercing cold hit me and I tapped out, coming back inside. They were gone until 20:32 (8:32 PM) and I had literally just spent the entire time with my eyes closed exploring this world in my mind.

By this point we were getting snacky as none of us had eaten since lunchtime. So we congregate in the kitchen looking for food. However when I look at the one guy (the tall one who was waddling earlier) his body was morphing. His eyes looked 3x the normal size, his hair seemed to poof out as if his head was that of a mushroom. His face elongated and bulging out at the eyes almost as if it was slowly morphing into a praying mantis. His eyes were also black as night as his pupils were dilated. The other person looked like she was cartoon drawing of herself, as if a Disney princess. Her face proportions stayed relatively normal (I mean for Disney princess standards) but everything became smooth and pastelly. Colours were distorted as well into an almost pastel spectrum, no more rainbow around every point of light.

In this moment I couldn't look at either of them without bursting into laughter so I went to the table to sit down. At this point the girl with us grabbed a carrot cake muffin and started eating it. At first making a joke about it looking like a mushroom head, but things took a turn. After taking a bite of it she blatantly said that it felt exactly like having a penis in her mouth and was pointing out that the exterior of the muffin looked like this skin on the head of an erect penis. I am sorry, good luck getting that out of your head. Anyways as she was describing this things were morphing into phallic shapes. The head of the guy changed from looking like a mushroom cap to that of the head of a penis, the bananas on the table and table legs... But then other things like the boards on the table had penis shapes appear in that. This was also probably peak of the trip, like most intense visuals and most intense laughing and even closing my eyes just brought on the most intense CEV's (which were also phallic images).

After this started to come down we attempted to sit down and play pictionary (we got about 6 rounds in) before we moved to the living room and just talked and listened to music. We were all coming down and were having a good time. Then around 23:40 we all were hungry enough that they made food and ate while watching some standup comedy and I took a dark shower as the last of my CEV's faded from my mind. From there we each just separated off and went to bed.


This has been my most intense mushroom trip yet. Not only did I consume a much higher dry dose equivalent than I had ever taken before but with how it hit me it was just beyond what I have ever experienced (or even thought possible on mushrooms). Like I knew mushrooms can distort perspective and cause hallucinations but I never realized it could be to this extent (I thought that was purely a movie trope, though it is definitely not a low dose I took). It was good though, I had a good set and setting.


CEV Closed Eyed Visuals. Visual hallucinations that occur when your eyes are closed.

Prodrug a compound that isn't a drug itself but when it is metabolized in your body it is converted to a drug.

Drug a substance that when introduced to the body has a physiological or psychological effect.


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