Very thought provoking. I like to think that all of this we are experiencing is by choice and is in a simulation of sorts. We choose to manifest in this form and in this reality before we ever arrive. Once we are here we are free to do most anything we want, provided it is not causing harm to others. The goal is to experience as much as possible. Through this we gain knowledge and are self empowered. The life cycle could be likened to credits on a video game, if you die you start all over again, just this time as another character.
Expanding on that concept, the you that made the choice to come here is the one putting the tokens in, so when you are tired of this game you can go play another one.
I want to Thank you for providing me the opportunity to share my perspective.
Thanks for your response. I have thought about the concept you discuss before as well. I too found it fascinating. Perhaps it's true, we just don't know. I would like to believe that we are given more than one crack at life. Perhaps eventually as our 'souls' have experienced or learned enough we transcend into something different.
Thanks again for sharing your thoughts. I just love talking about such topics. :)