Accepting the years and the physical changes that come with them is very difficult. But you look good! You look like a French or English Lord, the kind that uses a cane with a golden handle. hahahaha. At the beginning of the year I saw my first gray hair and I was terrified, but then I understood that I should rather be thankful to be alive and healthy, so now I am proud of the process. In our cultures, women are perhaps more afraid of aging. A 50-year-old man is still very interesting and fulfilling. On the other hand, in some cultures, women in their 50s are no longer alive. You know what is good? That inside you feel good and full of energy. Hair is part of the decoration of that beautiful soul you have. Happy Father's Day to you! I hope you celebrate it with your family. A hug
I appreciate that, Nancy! My wife tells me I look French when I wear a goatee. : ) Aging is a little different for women, I think do to lingering societal prejudice. I think grey hair is really attractive on women! I agree, if you've taken care of yourself your fifties feel amazing. I feel like I'm the best shape of my life right now. We do have a celebration planned for Sunday, a nice dinner out. Thanks again and I hope you enjoy your weekend!
How nice! I hope you have a great time. A hug and thank you very much