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RE: If This Is True, The World's About to Get Infinitely Better

in #storylast year

I have not yet seen the documentary you suggest, but what you say is quite significant. Some governments are not interested in getting out of the current energy patterns, especially because we are talking about a lot of money and power at stake. In Venezuela, for example, it is known that the Russian and Chinese governments are shamelessly exploiting, with the consent of the government, the mineral deposits in the country, without caring about the destruction of the fauna of the area, the flora and the diseases they are producing. The indigenous people themselves have come out to protest and the government has no ears for their claims. They talk about gold, diamonds and Coltan. They are killing the goose that lays the golden eggs in a ruthless way and only for greed. Hugs, my friend


Yes, it seems like the governments of the world and corporations are one in the same entity now, forever intertwined. It's insane the lack of regard some of these groups have for our natural world. It doesn't make sense on any level. That's a wonderful analogy, they are killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. No one understands this like indigenous people. Have a great weekend, Nancy! I hope all is well.