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RE: The Doomsday Drip (Where are you living?)

in #story6 months ago

“A vote is not a Valentine's Day gift” . What a good phrase. Politicians have a bad habit of appealing to feelings to gain indulgence. When a person uses arguments appealing to the good heart of others, it is because rationally what they say, is not the most credible. This is the method used by some candidates: “Your family always belonged to this party, you cannot belong to another”, “The most needy need us”, “The richest are the bad ones”. We must vote for the one who offers real jobs, real solutions, real projects. And when I say real, I mean credible: ending poverty in three months is not real, even if it pains us to admit it. In a world in which everything seems and nothing is, let's vote for the one who from far away seems and from close up we have no doubts.
September begins. Let's hope it will be a month of increases, abundance and health. Hugs, Eric


You're right, candidates usually always succeed by seducing the voters instead of winning their minds through reason. Sociopaths are great at the art of seduction and most people who seek high political offices crave the power of it and do, in fact, have narcissistic/sociopathic tendencies.

Yes, how is it September already?! We're getting into the 40's (F) at night this coming week. Time to break out the warmer clothes! Thank you, Nancy. Enjoy your week my friend!