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RE: The Age of Distrust

in #story2 days ago

As a teacher I have the obligation to encourage reflection, tolerance, autonomy of thought, questioning what is heard and even what is seen, but sometimes it is difficult, because today's kids find it easier to accept and “swallow” what goes “viral”, without chewing it well: if the networks say it, it's true. Of course, I must also say that as a 51 year old woman, sometimes I find it hard to “accept” some thoughts. For example, every day it becomes more difficult for me to deal with my Chavista friends because I know they defend the indefensible and in order not to “break” with friendships of many years, I prefer not to touch certain topics. Just like when you have a shoe that is about to break, but you don't put it on so that it doesn't break. So it is. Sad, but true. A Sunday hug, my friend!


I was brought up not to talk about politics, religion, football and women as at some point you will fall out with your friends. Your chavista friends are like the independence thing in Scotland.

What is the Scottish independence movement like, Ed?

Those are such valuable traits to teach the younger generations Nancy and I'm glad you're doing that important work! I wish we had more teachers like that in America. Just to get into the habit of pausing to reflect after reading something is a good trait to have. So many people just scan news headlines then believe and/or share misinformation because it neatly fits their narrative.

I can understand a little of how you feel about your Chavista friends. America is becoming the same way—each side believes their party is completely and totally right. As someone who tries to read between the lines and look for true motivations of these politicians it can be frustrating to deal with people who're so blinded by propaganda. People here are obsessed with politics now and like to talk about little else. It can be exhausting sometimes to continually try to steer conversations into other, non-political, directions. Hugs to you as well! I hope you have a great week. We have 5-8" of snow heading our way.

Wow! A little sunshine for you, Eric!