Day 20 - The Dark Side

in #story7 years ago

Hello fellow human beings!. Nerd Fox here!

Good day to whomever is reading this random blog post! I welcome you all!.


How are you doing grandma?


I'm fine. You know most of my friends are dead now.
Do you remember Muriel? Well she's dead.
Do you remember Josephine?She's dead now.


Ok grandma, please calm down and give me the gun.

                                -Milton Jones-

Day 20 at this far away place. Just eating bread for breakfast and dinner, at lunch I get to eat a decent meal. Why you ask? Simple, I'm on a diet!. Nah, just kidding I'm just lazy to walk and find an eatery outside. It's quite dark also at night.

Day 4 staying at this place and it's driving me nuts to be honest. Makes me want to kill myself, not because I'm feeling bad or suicidal something. It's more like little things, like waking up early and fighting the bed to get up makes me want to kill myself because I want to sleep more.

Sometime I have this psychopathic thought that goes to my head. Wanna go on rampage, doing some John Wick moves. But don't worry I won't do shit like murder or killing myself. For me it's just a funny thought. You know, like the dark side of me is coming out, only in my head. I'm sure you have one too. Ok I'm not that sure, I'm like 80% sure you have a dark side.

I like dark humor it's make me laugh even though it not right or more like morally right. I know it's wrong but I just can help laugh at it. Something wrong with me? Nah, I'm a normal human being with normal a brain. I almost laugh at everything even my life. At night I cry myself laughing at my situation my it be worst or the best. I enjoy every bit of my life include right and wrong decisions I made.

Feel free to leave a comment!. See you and have a nice day!.