The Conspiracy in sharing problem.

in #story7 years ago (edited)

A quote says 'a problem shared is half solved'. This is in a reverse way with Shade.

She was heavily filled with guilt and grief and needed to talk to someone that faithful day to relieve herself.

Her conscience was poking its finger at her angrily, and the cursed Satan seems to be happy that she has fallen into his trap.

Shade was shivering while revealing her mystery. She said;
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I could have gone on my knees and ask my Creator for forgiveness, I could have read Psalm 51 to renew my Salvation instead I went
Straight to Bro Jayeoba's place, our Youth leader. He is a man gifted with the gift of Holy Ghost (according to what told us ) .There I poured out my heavy heart to him.)

You will be wandering about what Shade has done.

Yoruba adage will say;

a ko ri iru eleyi ri, a fi n deru bo oloro ni ... )

She had gone through the lane of immorality, she sought affections of things of the earth, she lost focus of the heavenly race, she didn't know how deep she had gone in sin till pregnancy comes in.

They often say only a woman know who is the father of her child, but in her case, it wasn't like that. It was hard for her to pin point who was responsible. How could she? after grazing countless beds with nameless and faceless men.

To complicate the matter, her parents are highly respected Reverend and evangelist in her church, the scandal of her having a child out of wedlock was enough to send her parents to early grave due to shame.

It took her two weeks to finally get a chemist man known to be good in aborting

After the abortion she felt relieved to have scaled through the hurdle of shame and scandal.

All these she told Bro Jayeoba who listened with rapt attention. When she finished narrating her sordid tale to him, he sighed deeply and told her that God loves a repentant sinner, after admonishing her, he prayed for her and she went home with a clean and light heart.
Unknown to her that her tales of doomed was yet to begin

The following Sunday was a combine service at the headquarter .There the Pastor preached about the Sacredness of Human life.

After concluding his sermon, he said;
Its so disheartening that in spite of this kind of message we preach here often, the daugter of reverend and evangelist Feyintoluwa, Sis Shade has been living a wayward lifestyle, under her parent's umbrella. How could a daughter of reverend go for abortion? it is bad we don't need people like this to stain the reputation of our church..

Your parents are to be blamed because the bible says train up a child in the way it should go...... And everybody completed the famous bible quote from the books of Proverbs with him.

Her parents of course were dazed with utter disbelief, Shade's mum tried to stand up but her feet were more dazed than her, they couldn't support her body ,already growing limp as she passed out, as everyone was rushing to her aid.
Shade didn't move from her seat, she felt she deserved this punishment.

Things was very hard for her just because she shared her problem to a whirlwind.

I really feel sad about Shade's story. This is terrible.


Nice story!

Thanks for reading my story.

This story is short and deep!

I'm glad you enjoyed the story. Thanks for dropping by.