Birbal was on the invitation of King of the country of Persia. His respected feast was organized and many gifts were given. On the eve of going home, a rich man asked how he would compare his King with the king of Persia. Birbal said, "Your king is like the moon of full moon". However, my king is like the fourth moon. "The Persian were very happy, but when Birbal went home, he found that Emperor Akbar was very angry.
Akbar said in anger, "How can you tell your own king weak!" You are a traitor! "Birbal said," No, Majesty, "I have not weakened you. The moon of the full moon decreases and disappears while the fourth moon grows in strength. I actually tell the world that your power is increasing day by day, while the king of Persia is going to collapse. "Akbar expressed satisfaction and warmly welcomed Birbal.
Dil vicky ghush chubhti k dudh in in tuchchh