A person came near Saint Eknathji and said, Nath! How sweet is your life? We do not even get peace even a moment. Please provide guidance. You are now a guest of eight days, so spend your life as before. The person became sad when he listened. In the house he went to the wife and said, "I have tortured you many times." Excuse me Then talk to the children, children, I have beaten you many times, forgive me for that. He apologized to the people he abused. Eight days passed and on the ninth day he reached Eknathji and said, Nath, how much time is left for my last watch? God can tell you the last time, but how did it last for eight days? Would have done pleasure and luxury? Do not you tell me, in these eight days, I did not see anything other than death. That is why I remember all the misdeeds done by me and this period has passed in my repentance. Friends, by keeping in mind what you have spent these eight days, we do all the work by keeping the same in front of the saints. This body is fleeting, it is only meet in the soil. Be the slave of God rather than being a slave. Having the same sense with everyone is the meaning of life.
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