Steemian friends, hopefully his activity went well. After yesterday past a very tiring day, preparing computers and installing applications for simulation / testing of class XII UNBK students. Have to stay up till night so that students can now follow UNBK simulation smoothly.
At 08 am the students, proctors and technicians of the National Exam are ready to carry out the simulation / try out UNBK. Initially went well, the students successfully enter their respective username and password. But serious problems happen ..."server suddenly offline".
What happened??
The students waited, computer technicians trying to solve the problem. various ways done, Until finally there is news from the team of technicians center "Almost all servers across Indonesia are offline".
Disappointed... That's what we feel. Why get offline at this crucial moment? The specified schedule is not working properly. The first session that should have finished the 10:30 am examination, just finished at 11:35 am.
Although initially constrained, Alhamdulillah all students successfully participate in national exam simulation today. So also with our simulation report successfully uploaded.
This is my first experience of being a national exam committee. Hope this becomes a valuable experience and lesson for me.
Nico post !!
Thank @kemalmustafa 😊
Sukses terus kak @nisya
Salam kenal kk @nurharyati