The cointinuing story of younow part 4

in #story7 years ago

After Noble and hopnotic enjoy drink dn covesation
with his fellow trapped travellers in this world of younow.
He and Hopnotic carried on along the shore line.
They discovered a gigantic cave, Noble smiled towards
hoptnoic and said. Hoppy shall we investigate. They entered
the dim lit cavern, They noticed a trail of blueberrys
along the caves path. Hoppy said Noble I know that is
rachellovinglifes blueberry that she picked with her
family the other day. Lets us invistiate further and
hope she has not come to any harm. Aww i thought
i just so her hopp and saw a a big blue puff of smoke
before she dissapered. Noble insitigated the area
where she has dissapered. A mans aftershave(probaly
her husbands) a dog bone(most likely her trusty dgo
diliala) and bits of cherrios(oh no her baby daugther
angela) who had all dissappred in a puff of smoke.
I dont know what happned Hoppy, I have heard of
strange creatures kidnapping fellow younow
travllers i home rachel and her family are oikay.
But let us make sure our armour is good and secure.
Noble ajusted his helmet his shield his sword(one
that actually shot out destructive lightning bolts
against enemys) He adjusted Hoppys, Armoujr as
well , what a site to see a Kangaroo dress in cutomized
horse armour but for a kangroo. I think our enemys
will die from laughter just see you Hoppy. Hopnotic
let out a small but loving and annoying grunt.
With that they continued deeper inside the cave.
They had gone deepr and deepr in the cave
without incident as yet . So far so good Hoppy
said Noble, No trolls, No evi travellers as of yet.
Curious. Noble did like it when things were so
quiet. They then marveled at what they saw a next.
A gigantice waterall 13 storys high, that poured into
a Huge and clear to the bottom lake. What as site to
see , espeically inside a cave. Well Hoppy time
to set up camp and rest , With that Noble went
to make coffee on the fire , While Hopnotic stood guard
ignoring any passerbys for the moment. Noble
returned after makin coffee with the beans he
had aquired earlier from the Kangaroo house.
When he saw Rachelovinglife and her family
dissapare through the puff of blueberry smoke. He
wondered i other fellow travellers has dissapered,
Alothough it was a long way away . He put
Beerwombats key around his neck, the key to the
secret burrow. In the meantime him and hopnotic
set up camp within the cave in front of the
gigantic waterfall and lake. and Pondered his
next move.

Noble though for a while and then had to go
and water a nearby bush. Noble returned withou
incident. sat back down, and Nodded off while
Hopnotic lay beside him.