The continuing story of the land of younow.

in #story7 years ago

Noble and his trusty kangaroom Hopnotic ventured deeper
into the world of younow. They came across a city called
Spread the love. They had to investigate. Quite intresting hopnotic
said noble aww we have a vistor, Lizzy ,please lizzy come
sit down by me and my trusty kangoor and tell me of your
adventures in the lad of younow. Noble laughed as he saw a person
named jaden Metz, pleae jaden come sit with us, yes its is the
door to tis wonderfull land of you now.

Noble lizzy and jaden laughed, as Hopnotic nobles trusty kangaroo
curled its tail aound jaden
Jaden please feel free to tell us of your adventures in this land of you
Noble noticed that wirting in his jornal he may want to save it at
various points lol
Noble saved in his jornal of the vistors that sat around him
he noticed his vistors had strange devices
what preytell are those devices in your hands
lizzy and jaden said ah they are commuincation devices
intresting said noble, Hopnotic let out a snort
whats wrong Hopnotic, It was cute snort not a warning one
Ahh cell phones and talbets
don mean the cells in my body can call other poeple
how interesting. no no said jaden
we can call other people
oh how wonderous noble said
he noticed their texts, why would i need all these fans i am cool
enough and it is fair weather
no no said lizzy and jaden they are people
oh friends i see now said noble
why thank you, it is never nesceery but thank you for inviting your
fine freinds
The last of us? is thier a plauqge or sickness going around
that i am unaware of asked noble
Noble was confused, fall out, like fall out of my clothes never
i am a noblecanadian
no they both replied witha chucle
they are games on a screen that we play
Ah Lizzy it is yoru bday mont said noble , how fantastic
upon hearding bday month noble strust steed and freind hopnotic
the kangarool started curlying next to lizzy and purred in her ear
no hopnotic there is no cake of yet , leave lizzy alone
forgive my trusty kangaroo but he has learned of the word
brithday etc, and automaticlly thinks cake lol
Jaden replied to noble, Noble and Hopnotic i must go soon
and return to my kingdome
for i have much interesting work to do
Yes by all means jaden it was a pleassure to meet you
Hoptonitic give it back
jaden looked puzzeled,
Noble reached into the kangaroos pocket and too k out one of jadens
games that Hopnotic serereclty aquired, he was a sneaky kangarooo
relucktanly Hopnotic let out a snort and gave back the game to jaden
that he had aquiured secreity with his tail
jaden and lizzy laughed
Noble reminded himslef again to continue to save in his
younow travel journeys
He notice a ghost approaching it continued to wail meryem
however noble only say a siloutte no form no face
Hopnotic sniffed the area but could no see anything either
the ghost left a mysterious note that said became fan
intriquing noble though.with that Lizzy said nice to meet you and your
kangaroo but I too must venture back to my kingdom as well
as i have much to too. Why it was our pleasure said noble
Hopnotic gave lizzy a kangaroo hug and curl of his tail as lizzy ventured
on ward
Anorther vister
as ed approaced
welcome Ed how have you been, inquired noble
please sit with me and hopnotic
the kangaroo hopntoic layed down a curled by noble for bit
Thank you ed we are doing fine, crossing this wonderfull land of yournow
Hopnotic the kangoroo sniffed ed for any treats
Im sorry Hopnotic i have nothing for you
said ed
hopnotic let out a little snort but wrapped his tail around
ed anyway as a freindly gesture
forgive my kangaroo said noble but he does get a bit nosey at times
Noble laughed as hopnotic lay down between him and ed as
he and ed continued thier coversation
Yes said noble i am enjoying this land of spreadthelove
it has broughten out my writing, to jornal my fine travels
across this land.
I have visted aproximatley 532 lands so far
some i had to do great battle wiht my kangroo in and others
I was welcomed as a friend
Hopnotic opened is eyes and looked towards noble and ed
for a bit. No hopnotic no treats yet go back to sleep
again Hopnoict let out a snort and closed is eyes
Thank you ed for visiting and sitting wiht us
it was pleasure
Hopnotc wake up ed is leaving. Hopnotic jumped looked around and
saw that ed had already left.
Well hopnotic watch the campfire as i go and have a nature call
Noble returned from fertalizing the the trees and the woods
and had picked some berries and starwberrys which Hopnitic his trusty
Kangaroo, devoured with delight.
Noble wrote in his jornal.
This morning I and my trusty steed visited the lands of Coquerthyroid issues
and the land of Mike loper. and had wonderfull visitors that
dropped by our campfire. Noble and Hopnotic decided to rest
for a bit.

Noble and his trusty kangaroo hopnotice arose the next morning,
aww said noble to hopnotic what a a wonderfull mornig
With that they broke camp and continued to discover the
land of spreadthelove of the country of younow.
They sought adventure, none was to be had at the moent
they continued down the path stoping occasically to drink
berry water from the plants that were abundant int the
I was still bright and early, but they had yet to meet anway on
the path, so many paths to chose from should they go on
North path, the South Path the east Path the west path?
they pondered the decision, Hopnotic his trusty steed sniffed west.
ah hopnotic a stranger
awww look it i s pincess tanya
how wonderfull that she had decided to quickly visit
tthe seemed to merely wave with fast hello and goodbye gesture ,
she continued hurrely down the path. Hmm hopnotic I
wonder why the prncess was in such a hurry, oh well let us
continue on our way, with that Noble and his trusty steed and
companion continued down the western path.

They continued down the path wihtout incident. Noble looked
at his trusty kangaroo, Hopnotice perhaps since the day
is so for uneventul,perhaps we should go to the next
market we come across and aquire some supplys
Hopnotic licked his kangroo lips as he knew that menat treats for him.
they contineud , hmm still no market Hopnotic, Lets is sit and
rest for a bit as i know both your legs and my legs are weary
from trouble.
With that , Noble and Hopnotic sat down under a tree and dozed off
for awhile.
Suddenly there was rustle, the Kangoro jumped to its feet,
honopitic rustled Noble aawake, Oh a vister how wonderfull
Hell Berr said Noble it has been such a long timed. watch out noble
a wombat, Noble ducked his head just in time to avoid colliding
the wombat, hopnotic his trust kangaroom chased afer it.Why
was the wombat wearing a top had, what strange land this
spread the love in the world of younow, such strange
things Noble and his trusty kangroom came upon.
the wombat contianed treasts of mushrooms that Hopnotice
lapped up delightlfully, Oh my Noble jumped as the wombat
spoke, and laughed as the wombat told the kangarool
you to pay to play. The Kangroo snorted and almost smaked
the wombat. Pay what yes what a question. hmm wait
Hopnotic come here, let me check your pouch. aww look
wombat treats, here you fine young wombat i hope you enjoy them
Hopnotic followed the wombat curisoly towards a dark burrow
Im sorry said Noble but we have not been to market yet
Is thiere a market somwhere down this path
Noble and Kangaroo looked at the wombat and the wombats
burrow, we are a tad large for your burrow is there a hiddne
Ah Noble wrote down the name Gum
Ttree amrket, and put it in the kangaroso pouch.
Aww a hidden key, do you have a spare and what do you wish
to trade for it. Aww hopnotic go scout the market out for us.
with that the kangaroo hurrely hoped away with the coins
Noble gave it. with that another stranger approaced
Hlello my name is nina. aww she was in quite a hurry, she
rushed down the path without even a wink. curious a two
wheeled contraption , how wonderfull. Berr the wombat looked
at noble surprised, have you not seen a bicycle before Noble
Nina for some reason was obivisouly afriad of wombats, Nobles jumped
in front of the wombat to protect him from the incoming missles.
Noble always had his armour on as he was warrior
Are you alright Berr Wombat i hope you were not injured in this
Noble laughed historslay as he noticed the naked wombat.
ahh another vistor , oh how marvolur it is our old friend
Unholy godness. with that the kangaroom opened its pouch
with the lovely soup the Wombat had requested

Oh no is that the owl of which you spoke earlier
Oh no Grumpy owls, what shall we do wombat berr, he is only
circuling at the moment. My dear owl noble replied , We
my kangaroo and i are weary travlers and have come across
this delightfull Wombat, he has praised your soup far and
wide,.We just had to try it our selves, why is such a
delisous meal only for owls? Noble raised an eye
was the wombat asking th owl or noble to trade, the panths
were much too small for him or hopnotic. Noble wrote down
that the fragant nut soup helped owls see in the dark for
future refrence. With that the owl did let out a fart
and noble and hoptonoic coverd thier noses as best they could.
Well wombat berr do you wish to trade your panths for the
soup,. with that another vistor passed by hello my name is
jake. Jake also rused, by, many people were in a hurry down
this path. I am sorry Mr Wombat i did try replied Noble i did
my Nobalistic best to get you the soup. Wait, Hopnotic
come here, what are you hiding in your mouch, Hopnotic gave
a guilty look. Noble noticed soup on hopnotics lips.
Well Mr wombat it seem ,my kangaroo has hidden an eaten
half a bowl of this soup. Here is the rest if you wish.

Here you go sir wombat. Thank you so much. a another stranger
Hello , my name is Seckin how are you today.Yet another
stranger hurried down the path.Yes thank for the key Berr
Wombat we are most honored. With that they continued down
the path and ran into thier old friend Sidd
NOble and his kangaroo were delighted to see thier friend
Sidd please watch after Hopnotic while i go water a tree
I will be right back, Berr wombat will keep you company in the
mean time. Noble now returned after watering one of the
forest trees. Hello where is Sidd and what Happened to berr
wombat. ah the wombat flew down.

I must leave Noble and
Sidd has venturened on to his kingdom and invites you to
visit. Goodbye Wombat and thank for the key. with
that . Hopnotic Nobles kangaroo and Noble himself continued
down the path.
Noble and his trusty steed Hopnotic the Kangaroo, walked the path for a long time
while walking down the the path they saw a person approach, it was thier freind jTrivintato, hola back said Noble. what brings you along the path old freind Trin
Noble replied ahh another friend you have how wonderfull, I shall visit your freinds land later on, what is your Freinds Kingdom called? Noble took out his trusy jornal
from hopnotics the kangroos pocket and wrote down the kingdom of
DaveBolton. As yess I shall visit this kingdome later Noble replied.
Noble noticed a women coming down the paht, Oh my Old freind jQueen j
Barbra it has been such a long time, why areyou travling this path and not at your kingdome?
Noble wrote down the time that daveboltons kingdom would let travlers in.
I shall try as I can to visit your freinds kingdome Noble said to Trin.
Barbra my old freind what is new within yhour kingdome these days?
Barbra form the land of ABnation seemed, distracted as Noble
recieved no other responses. Come Hopnotic onward down the path
The queen is very busy, With that Noble and kangaroo continued down the path.
They had gone to market, had visited with wondefull younow
creatures and people, What a wonderous land.
Their feet eventually became weary and they sat down near the river bank to rest.

They both nodded off near the river bank , oblivious to passerbys for the moment. Hopnotic all of th sudden heard and squeay sound
rusling donw the path, Noble woke up quickly aww Wheelchair man how good to see you, How have you and your kingdome been doing and what has brought you down the paht that we meet so.
Wheels gave a quick hello without stopping almost running over the poor kangaroo, Oh my goodness said Noble wheels was quite in a hurry I hope that he is alright. They noticed Trinvitado coming up behind them. Ahh friend Trin where are you off to now?
Ah you have come from your freinds Kingdom how wonderfull.
Noble, Hopnotic and Trin al sat down and chatted for a while oblivous to passerbys for the moment.
Both Noble hopnotic and trin noticed a weary travler passing by.
Please weary travelr sit with us and join our conversaiton
the Travler introduced himslef as Andy J
Nice to me you they all said.
What brings you down this path today Andy, Inquired Noble.
Hopnotic Nobles kangraoo started sniffing both Trin and Andy for treats
Hopnotic stoop begging and sniffing them said Noble.
Hopnotic let out a snort and curled down keeping its yes on both
Trin and
Andy for any sign of the aformentoned treats.
With they all continued thier coversation .
Oblivous to passerbys for the moment.
All 3 men suddnelty turnned thier heads at the beauitfull queen Vanessadino coming down the path. Vanessa cried Noble how wonderfull to see you
It has been such a while how are you and your king doing?
Vanessa also hurried down the path quicly waving and blowing a kiss towards the men sitted in coversation.
Oh lord said Noble they are all in such a hurry. Suddelny the Quen Vanessa turned around again and came down the path. Vanessa was a bit of a confusing Queen . But Noble knew she was visiting
other kingdoms aswell.
Trin now continued the down the path as well
Noble and Hopnotic layed down set up camp and retired for the eveing.

Noble and Hopnotic heard a russle from out side, Hello noble asked who goes there? Noble thought oh I must have been dreaming as
I see no one outside , but definely heard something about a
queen. Strange. Noble shook his head and arose from
slumber with his trusty kangaroo companion Hoptnotic.
Let us eat breakfast my freind . Noble took some
prepared meals out of the kangaroos Pocket and
heated them on the fire. He thought he saw Tyerd
pass by quickly. Hmm Hopnotic the province of
spreadthelove in the country of you now seems to
be waking up. Aw Tygerd have you returned called out
noble.It was strange he was sure he saw Tygerd twice
possibly it was due to Noble not being quite awake yet.
Hopnotic lapped up the food delighfully. While
Noble petted his kind friend. They both had been
through many battles together. But Noble needed
to discover more lands and people. He reminessed
about Gorgeous Guys and Gals land ruled by Shadow
and how he brought peace between her kingdom
and Naughty cobras creepy trolls. and the elusive
beast that destroyed the kingdom and injured Cobra
Creepy who had joinied the a formentioned kingdom
He hoped that they were doing well.
Alirght Hopnotic Noble said let us break camp.
Not only was hopnotic Nobles trusty campanion
the Kangaroo also acted as pack mule with a pocket
an automatic storage comparment, Noble always
laughed and smiled .as Hopnotics pouch made the
kangaroo look quite awkard with all small supllies
inside its pocket. the kangroo was well trained ,so
well trained that it put the rolled up tent on its back
like a backpack without hesistation or effort.
With that they continued down the path.

Ahhh Siddd , Noble called out , how are you old freind
what bring down this path today? Noble and
siddiqrock123 were old friends.
They both sat down and chatted for awile ignoring
passerbys for the moment Aww queen vanessa
approached, aww my dear queen vanessa how are
you i have seen hurry down this path qutie a few times
i hope that all is well in your kingdom. How is your
king dear vanessa i hope that he is well too.
Hopnotic the kangaroo curled up beside Queen
Vanessa. Noble chuckled yes Hopnotic I know yuour
cuter than i am , after all you are the noblest
of all the kangaroos. Hopnotic let out a cute kangroo
snort as it cuddled with Queen Vanessa
Noble and the queen continued thier coversation
oblivous to passerbys at the momment. Noble
reminded the Queen that she was currenlty on a
treachous path and maybe silence was not suc a good
idea as the goblins came out during silence.
No noo quenn vanessa we mus t make noise otherwise
those troll may surpise us with and attck. Noble
noticed a small russle in the woods , what in the
devil is that cute little green monster, Ohh the Queen
exclaimed it is a lost baby dinasoar. Vanessathedino
took it in her arms while Hopnotic the kangaroom
sniffed at it curiously but respectifuly. It seem it
will like being with you queen vanessa. Sidd on
the next log laughed a s he enjoyed the company.
What a curios bunch a Noble canadain in armour
with a kangaroo, A Queen with a pet dinasor named
vanessathedino88 and an Artist making a portrait
of all of them around the campfire,
named siddiqrock123. This province spreadthelove
in the land and country of younow was so peculiar.
The queen started shiviering, Sir Noble I am not use
to being outside my kingdom,I must return forthwith
with that Queen Vanessa and her new pet dinasour
hurried back and locked herslef inside her kingdom.
She was really only use to NOble but only came out
of the kingdom on very rare occassions. fairwell
Vanessa. Noble said may the spirits watch over you.
Noble and Hopnotic got up and continued down that path.

Noble noticed Pyschstremme coming down the path, Oh Psych how are tell me and my trusty kangaroos of any adventures
you have been on and any villages that we might
wish to visit, in this province of sharethelove in the
country of you now. Noble and Hopnotic waited for a
reply. There was not reply from Psych as he continued
down the path. Hmm hopnotic what strange fellow
oh well let us continue forward. Noble noticed a
smalll carry pigeon all of the sudden which landed
on nobles head, jA note why thank you cute fellow.l
the note said from Sir Trin on behalf of his Majesty
King Dave Bolton the wandering minstrial you are
corrdially invited to a grand fair, jWith the pigeon took
the second invitation to her queen vanessa ,
The pigeon also through no fault of its end left a bit
of a white soft mark on nobles head, Eww said
Noble silly pigeon. why does though turd on me after
such a wonderfull invitation. Hopnotic let out a snort
which was the best imitation of a laught the kangaroo
could do. With that the two companions continued
down the path. As they continued they noticed a
white robed figure coming down the path. Hmm a
Monk said NOble, ahh
Whitesnke.themonk how have you been old freind.
Hopnotic the kangaroos NObles fellwo warrior and long
time companion snuggled up to white. Acutaully
the kangaroo always snuggled up ,looking for treasts
a fellow traveller might have. What have you been
up to lately White asked Noble.Noble waited for a
reply. The monk merely waaved and also hurried
down the paht. Strange though Noble why are people
in this country in such a hurry.
Yet again Noble and hopnotic contiuned down the
path. White the Monk returned.
Ahh white why in such a hurry today, too many
prayers for people today how have you been.
Noble again waited for a reply from the Monk. The
monk replied oh Noble i must keep in touch with my
many friends and congagration. Oh i see Noble that
is what they call a laptop . So many weird and
wonderfull technolgies fell through the vortex and
ended up in this starnge country of younow
aliens were mixed with humans, dinsasours roamed
alongside bicycles. and people in Rvs took refuge
in medival castles and villlages. It was such an odd mix.
Noble, White and even the kangaroo shared a barley
brew together. sat down for conversation and ignored
passerbys on the path for now. After a short time of
cathcing up Whitesnke the Monk bid Noble and
hopnotic adue and continued down to path to visit
Marvelous Cathedrals and the like.
Noble decided to rest further with his furry kanagroo
friend. Reflection on his adventures in a meditative
like state.Hopnotic the kangaroo merely took a nap


Well hopnotoci NOble said to his trusty kangaroo in
what direction should we travel this eveing it is still
fairly light outsite. Noble and Hopnotic had a diffrence
of opinion on which way to go. Hopnotic wished to go
down the right path while Noble looked down the left
path. They both noticed ad minstreial approcaghing,
Ah Sir LSDJ how have you been and how has
your music be going far an wide througout this land.
Lsdj also merely waved and played his music on a strage
turntable contraption. He merely waved and went on his
way followed by his lovelly wife. Well Hopnotic let us
continue down the path and so the two ventured onward.

Very well Hopnotic, Noble condeded to his companion
and continued down the right path.
The continued walking in this province of
spreadthelove in the country of you now. Noble
reflected on hole his jorneys ever since he fell through
the vortex near his castle and landed on a stray sad
but strong and weary kangaroo. The two adored each
other instalently, What a pair , A Noble Canadian
Knight and a Stoic Kangaroo. This was a very strange
land indeed. Intermentally things would fall through
the vortex. Things called cars, Alien technolgy, People
if people before Nobles era. The talking caveman
was the pairs first encounter. Hmm maybe im related
thought Noble. The caveman told noble of the vortex
and the reason why the entire land was called younow.
The talking caveman explained. When people fall
through the vortex the inhabitants all started saying
Look its younow. jAs then continued down the pth
they noticed Aysha8 aww Aysha how are you
inquried. noble. Noble waited for a response.
Aysha said aww Sir NOble i am quite fine and how
are you and see that you still have your trusty
companion and fellow warriro Hopnotic the mighty
kangaroo. As she petted the kangaroo , Hopnotic
sniffed, as he awlays did for any treats a traveller
might have. Noble noticed a stranger approach.
Hell stranger what is your name. Aww
hello he said to the 3 my name is
ManonBoury how are you today. What brings down
this path Noble and Aysha asked. Manon replied:
Hopnotic enough stop sniffin everyone for treats.
Hopnotic let out a cute snort and lay down while
the group chatted together. Manon did not reply
Ashya said Noble i must be getting back it was good
to see you. You too Ashya farwelll young lass.
Manon too continued down the path without uttering
another word. Sometimes people that fell through
the vortex also spoke diffrent lanquges. So not
all travllers talked as they passed Noble and Hopnotic
on the path. Let us rest for a bit my trusty friend.
With that Noble sad down under a tree on a nearby
log , while Hoponotic curled up in front of him.
They both napped for a bit oblivous to passerbys for
the moment. Noble awoke waked up Hopnotic.
Ah the light if falling Hoppy let us set up camp
for the evening. Noble took the tent off Hoppys
back ,while the Kangaroo automatically collected
firewood. for the the fire. Noble set up an alarm
system with empty tunacans that he and hoppy had
finished off. He put them on a rope surroinding the
camp site so as to warn of passerbys that might have
illgotten ideas. Noble took from his small pouch a
bag of white soft cirlendrical objets. Hoppy jumped
with excitement, His favorite treat, marshmellos.
The kangaroo lapped up the marshmellos with
delight as Noble roasted his on the fire. Noble
looked up at the 3 moons. So strange Nobles home
only had one moon. which he gazed from the tower
of his castle, He missed home but no one knew of
a way to get back from wence they came when
they fell through the vortex. Oh there were mages
witches, sceinetests etc working on the problem
but no one had discovered a way back to thier homes
and usally travllers with illgotten ideas sold false
hopes of getting home by conning the good hearted
travllers. Noble continued to roast marshmellows for
himself and hopnotic unill they were gone.
Hopnotic curled up beside him. Another curious
stranger wearing feathered headgear passed by them
without uttering a word. There were all sorts of
strange and lost travellers such as him and hoppy.
Noble noticed some women that wore the dress of
his era all covered up and was quite shocked when
he came upon women that word at times very short
skirts which showed thier legs and calfs. NOble did
not complain. He aslo heard of the curious younow
guards called moderators. they came upon kingdomes
with silence , you very seldom heard a peep out of
them unless someone was causing trouble in
anothers kingdom. They were the closet thing
resembling law and order in the younow land.
Noble noticed one pass by just nodding thier head
without uttering a word. If you messed with these
fellows you would find you way home alright, 6
feet underground. People in the land called it being
blocked,as the moderators who enforced good
behaviour would put a cement block on your grave.
Thier was not way to come back from being blocked
unless you appealed to the higher authorites of the
land or you could find a mage or sorcer within
the land. Noble himself had blocked many
illgotten minded travllers not with the help of
Moderators but by Sword and Hopntoics strong
kangaroo hands and legs.
Noble went to fertilize a tree while Hopnotic
kept an eye on camp. Noble returned took out a
white colored flask with the lable milk on the side.
And smaller containers called medicine or what
people for the other worlds that fell through the
vortex some of them called them pills.
Noble saw what they called a doctor equivlent
to what noble called a medicne man or women
from his era. One was for his sadness of not being
able to return home. One maintained his heart.
One controlled his appeitite, Noble loved meat
and this pill helped him curb that appetitie. and
one more container contained a pill that helped
Noble sleep. He took out his medicne and drank
the pills down with the milk ,like he did his
Wine ,Beer and Spirits. With no hesitation.
With that NOble alright Hoppy im retiring for the
evening.Good night old freind. With that Hoppy
lay down infront of the tent and slept as well and
also as nobles trusty guard.

Noble and Hopntoic had a wonderfull night iwhtout
inncident. Noble broke camp put out the fire,
Rolled up his tent and put it on Hopnotics. back
What beautifull day hopnotic let us continue
through the woods I hear there is a lake nearby.
With that they continued on.
They once again ran into Queen AbnationBarbra
aww Barrbra how are you this fine eveing where
are you off to today? Noble waited for a reply.
Hm the Queen seems distracted let us continue
on our way Hoppy. jWith that Noble and his
trusty companion continued on.

He noticed a stranger approach how are you
today stranger.The stranger with the tarrot guys
replied. Noble awaited for answere from the
stranger that carried the cards.Hm the stranter did
not replay maybe he is a troll in disquise said
NOble. The starnger who had just fallen through the
vortex said oh I have a camera i capture things.
Noble had heard of cameras, As Noble was from
the days of castles he disovered all sort ofnew things
from the many people that fell through the vortex
into the country of younow in the province of spread
the love, the Stranger introduced himslef I am
tarrots cards however i must continue for a bit I am
hungry for a sandwhich with that Tarrot proceeded to
the nearest tavern. What delightful character Noble
said to Hopnotic.
Nobles Kangaroo let out as disspointing snort,as
when travllers mentioned food the kangaroo always
thought it was for him . Tygerdj
approached down the apth again. Ah tyger
how art though this fine eveining Noble asked.
Tyger replied: Here are 10 coins Noble I have heard
you were running out of supplies and kangroo food.
Noble laughed , Kangaroo food is anything my dear
Hopnotic can get his hands on. both laughted
out loud. Tygerdj continued on his way.

They then ran into her princess JOJO oh tis has been
such a long time how have you been>, Princess
JoJo merely waved and continued hurrideely
down the path. It seemed many friends of noble
were always in a hurry ,Aw they must be thinking
of adventure in other lands and kingdoms my dear
Hoppy, No matter we hope they will have fun and not
come in contact with the evil trolls or travellers with
illgotten ideas on thier brain. They noticed Tarrot
return with aufll bellly aww Nobe the taverns sandwhich
was dlesous. Nobles kangaroo Hopnotic sniffed tarrots
hands and pockets for treats. Tyger had also returned
they all sat down near a log by a tree and started
conversating. Noble said I know we have all fallen
through that blasted portal and vortex how were you
all snatched up and ened up here asked noble.
Tarrot took out a small piece of the sandwhich he had
left over and offrened it to noble Why thank you
dear tarrot , Noble immedialley shared it with his
kangaroo who lapped it up with glee, and curled
down next to tarrot. Tarrot started to speak
and said the following to noble:::: I also have a
few chips here you go hoppy. the kangaroo
gave tarrot a big old kangroo. a we bit sloopy
but that was Hoppys way .Okay Okay Hoppy
leave tarrot alone you have had your treats for the day.
Noble tryed to explain to tarrot who had just fallen
through the vortex. Aw Tarrot thiere are man lands
and kingdoms here. So much diffent technolgy and
people from diffrent eras have fallen therough that
vortex, You are in teh country of younow in the province
of spreadthelove. all have tryed to find thier way home
but have not been successfull so the built communitys etc.
You will find many lands. here is a list i have drawn up
so far. Noble Handed Tarrot a list called The land of younow
and Map with the many rullers and citizens of ths
world. However beware of the evil trolls and if
you have any problems they what they call
Moderators it is the closet thing to law and order
they have in this land. tarrot looked at teh map
ahh how wondefull noble thank you I shalld take
heed of your warning of trolls a will be as carefull
as i can. Noble also gave
tarrot a small blinking light here yougo tarrot
if you are in danger of trolls put this blingling
light in ahigh spot and i will try my best to find you.
I am a Noblecandain Knight after all and both Hoppy
and I have seen much combat. Another passerby
approached, aww its is Nicklovesto party how have you
been fine sir. I see ou have Ale.and drink and
spirits. Nicked seem out of sorts. merely waved
and stumbled on. NOble thought i belive he may have had
a bit too much ale. Noble adn tarrot both let out a loud
laugh. Noble and tarrot set up thier separte tents. and
Rested till Morning light. I will see you again tarrot.
If i dont not break camp early. With that Noble, Hopnotic and
tarrot rested till morning light.

The morning sun rose Tarrot had laready borken camp
bid Noble and Hopnotic good bye and continued on.
Noble packed up came and started down the path
with hoppie yet again, they wished to reach one
of the many oceans that people had explained about.
Noble and Hopnotice reached the Oceans side.
No one had charted this ocean . Noble noticed a
feminie figure appear on the horizon,
jAww JoJo.MaMa4u how have you been and what
brings you to the oceanside. JoJO replied:::
JoJO was avery busy person, but always tried
o keep intouch when they could. JoJO said I see
you sitll have Hoptnotic your faithfull Kangaroo
companioson. Yes said Noble as Hopnotic sniffed
JoJo for treats. Noble just nodded his head,sorry
Jojo you know how hoppy gets , he always thinks
travlelers have treats. Have you ever gotten any
closer to finding at way home through another
voertex asked Noble. JoJo was nother perosn
who fell through the vortex and landed int the
country of younow in the province of spreadthelove.
Noble new of JoJos Mage and magic abilties but
Jojo sadly said no Noble we are all still stuck here for
while it seems. So many things felll through the vortex
From Musicians, Aleins, talking puppets. anyting one
could imagine. JoJo nodded and said well Noble off to
work on this problem agian I bid you farwell. Noble waved
and Hoppy gave a tail curl as they moved on in
diffrent directions . Farwell JoJo and I wish you sucess.
Noble and Hoppy continued down the shore line.
Noble loved the water. Hoppy would go in on
occasion but only as far as Noblew would.
Hoppy layed down by the shore guarding Nobles
valient armour as Noble took a swim, ignorning
passerbys for the moment.