Vaxxed - See the Documentary everyone is talking about

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Vaxxed - the Documentary everyone is talking about

After watching this Documentary I decided to UPDATE my post to say how shocked I was to see the Severity of the Neurological Disorders these Vaccines Cause. It is a Horrible Tragedy to see this continues to be ignored even today.

Canada is Guilty as anyone else for Donating 10s of Billions of dollars for this very purpose and it is all being ignored because Powerful People are making huge profits and are able to shut down any form of Government Intervention. In fact, in many ways they are actually in full control of our Society when you think of what they have gotten away with for 6 decades. SEE LINKS BELOW

See the Documentary that EVERYONE has been talking about. Directed by Andrew Wakefield, and produced by DEL BIGTREE. This Film goes DEEP into CDC Fraud, and dives into the question of whether these Vaccines are even safe to use on our Children. Believe me,, if you never had an opinion before, you definately will have one NOW..

From Autism to ADD, to MERCURY and THIMEROSAL. See what they are talking about..

NOTE: Mercury derivative call THIMEROSAL is used as a preservative.

No vaccine made in Canada since March 2001 for routine use in children contains THIMEROSOL with the exception of the influenza vaccine. DTaP, polio and Hib vaccines have not contained this preservative since 1997-98.Nov 30, 2015. SEE THE IMMUNIZE CANADA WEBSITE which I will provide at the bottom. I believe Robert De Niro was involved in this as well. As I heard he may has a son with Autism. SEE LINK BELOW

So why have we not SUED these Corporations OUT OF EXISTENCE? This is horrible, and completely unnecessary. There is NO NEED for this tragedy to even happen, and this just shows how far down the latter we humans have gone.. No compassion, as long as people are making MONEY off Pharmaceutical drugs to the brain disorders they cause.. Now they are CENSORING everything you see, including this documentary. So you best watch it while it's still up...

Every 7 minutes a child is Diagnosed with AUTISM. When is the RIGHT TIME to discuss this anyway?

What's this --- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Pledges $5 Billion to Fight AIDS in Africa anyway? Last I remember Harper gave 7 billion to Bill GATES and his WIFE'S FOUNDATIONS,,, and TRUDEAU JUST pledged another BILLION... SO who is Donating this MONEY? because it sure is not BILL... SEE LINK

SEE LINK --- Harper donates another 3.5 Billion to Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Trudeau: Canada Giving $785M To Global Fund To Fight AIDs, Tuberculosis, Malaria... Yes MORE VACCINES...

Montreal to host concert for world health; Trudeau and Bill Gates invited



We must protect whistleblowers, seems like they're the only ones with the courage to tell the truth.

I appreciate your opinion and you comment spc- bitcoin. I agree with you, we have to have an open discussion about this topic..

Yes, it's an incredible documentary -- exposing perhaps the greatest fraud in modern times. Funny how we both used the same thumbnail photo within a few hours of each other. I post about vaccines and the VaxXed movement a lot myself.

Thanks for all you Comments people, I appreciate it also as It took me a very long time to find this Documentary as you can see by the Bosnian SubTitles.... Please Upvote if you like, and thanks again..

Vaccines are necessary.

I agree by the way,,,, but I still believe there needs to be a debate.... but thanks for the comment..

Thanks for the link! I've been wanting to see this for a while now.

NO wonder they did not want us to see this film.. This is Horrible that they could even get away with this!!! I have an UNCLE that was AFFECTED by this from a POLIO VACCINE I believe it was... These people should at the VERY LEAST be Compensated. These Corporations Make 10s of BILLIONS OF DOLLARS... This is Crazy, they should be SUED...

I cant believe how much money Canadians give to Bill Gates for this type of thing... 10 Billion???

This is strange,,,, I wanted to EDIT this Post to take out the LINK to the VIDEO because I dont own the VIDEO,,, but I cant EDIT for some reason... I was going to leave the TITLE where they could FIND IT because it is in BOSNIAN.... I just did not want the LINK to be DIRECT.. That's All... But I do think the PUBLIC should be informed Regardless...

You can't change a post after the first 24 hour payout.

Right on,,,, I will know that in the Future,,, Thanks..