how some people sees love
Is no more doubt that so many people has gotten their heart broken by the one they love ,not one time nor two times ,countless time which harden their heart now, and leave them in wondering state if love still Exist .
People has adopted money as thier lover more that their families and friends, including their best friend, and forgot that
money was in existence before they came, and will be existence when they will leave.why the killing, why the hatred, why committing so much crime and atrocity, all in the name of making money, who will then enjoy the money if no one is there to cherish your blood money.
Oh no don't think that love exist only between your soul mate.
The world is going crazy

The picture above shows the perfect thing happening right now in the world. Lol funny right. Because we all are going crazy if you think that you are not, live the life of these noble men, albert einstein ,martin luther king jr, Nelson Mandela etc these are people with knowledge . No doubt we still have alots of noble men still living . The question becomes how will they change the mindset and reasoning of individuals that has resist to learn and believe in the truth.
belief is one thing that is more powerful than the mind.
money has cause lots of problem I blame the world.
how do you see your kids if love does not exist
Oh no don't say when the time comes because you are facing the time now.
What ever you do, how ever you do it, surely it will hunt you down. Be it good be it bad.It will hunt you down. Then you will show your kids the true nature of love or others will.
have this in mind
hope you enjoy this article see you on my next post
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