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RE: Create the Problem, Sell the Solution

in #story11 months ago

The powers that be are great at creating problems then selling us the solutions, which often aren't really solutions at all

Nowhere is this more evident than in the medical field. Allowing governments, or other bodies, dictate medical choices puts us in grave danger, especially when we live under facsist regimes, which we do here in the US today.

This story that your markers are excellent, while eating a diet that has not been touted as healthy in any way by the medical industry, is anecdotal evidence that we are being deliberately mislead. I find it interesting that you were worried your diet might not have been good.

So, did the doctor find nothing wrong with you that he or she or they could poison you for? Were vaccines pushed on you, even though you enjoy the kind of health that would easily recover from just about any virus known to man?


Our medical system here in the U.S. is just so extremely broken. Once you get "into the pipeline" with that first appointment it seems like they're entire goal is to extract as much as they can out of the insurance company and your pockets. I went in for an annual physical and the metabolic panel was excellent but it was recommended that I get four vaccinations (one of which was THE jab) and a referral to an audiologist. I can't even imagine what I'd be facing if the metabolic panel wasn't good.

I'm a believer in the lifestyle I live now. Organic fruits/veg, grass fed beef/dairy, pasture raised eggs, and everything else as natural and as local as possible. I'm reading The Real Anthony Fauci now and, Lord, is this enlightening.

I'm into The Creature From Jekyll Island, also enlightening. Those blokes stole all of our money! Currency must belong to the people, just like medical modalities, schooling, and charity. I no longer think we need government at all. We'd be better off, living more naturally, heathily and peacefully, if we would just govern ourselves. 7 billion governments.